Chapter 13

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I paused at the elevator and turned to see Jace walking down the hallway adjusting his suit.

"How did you know that?" I asked as he brushed passed me and stepped into the elevator.

"I have my ways," he wiggled his eyebrows at me, rolling my eyes I joined him in the elevator.

We remained silent as we made our way back to the man in the room, when we opened the door he paused in his struggling to stare at us.

"Care to tell us why your breaking in to our club?" Jace asked as he placed his hands in his pockets, his stance while looking relaxed sent off warning bells.

Glancing at him from the corner of my eye, I could see why he was Bellamy's second in command. Since arriving here I had noticed several things, while Jace barked a lot of orders and people listened, Bellamy was the one who Jace listened to.

It meant only one thing, Bellamy was the boss and Jace was his second in command. The club was named after Bellamy but Jace had a club across town that was named after him.

I had speculations as to who was the head of the ring but until being brought into the fold and learning their routines, having a front row seat to some of their ways of life, I knew that Jace had to be Bellamy's second, making Claire either Bellamy's wife or his third in command and lover.

Grinding my teeth at the thought of her and Bellamy, I turned my attention back to the man in front of me. Standing with my feet shoulder width apart, I bent my head down and put a blank face on.

Jace's question was met with silence, I watched as he stepped forward and pulled the mask off the man. Having gotten him into the light, he was solidly built, stocky, with dirty blonde hair and a crooked nose.

The look in his brown eyes, said that he had been in tough spots before and we didn't scare him. I smirked at him as he eye balled me, it was going to be fun breaking him.

"I won't ask again," Jace told him as he stepped back and replaced his hands in his pockets.

"While you ponder your answer, I will tell you a little about my associate here." He replied, his voice easy and relaxed. "Mr. Gerard.."

"Fuck," Jace's eyebrows raised at the sudden word that echoed in the room.

"I'm going to assume that you have heard of him?" Jace asked eyeing the man, but he just pressed his lips together bringing on a blank, rather bored expression on his face.

"Well since you don't wish to speak with me, I'll just let my associate here take over. He isn't one for many words so.." he trailed off shrugging his shoulders and walking to the door.

"Please try not to kill him, if you think that you might? Place a tarp underneath him so the blood doesn't go every where like last time. It was a bitch trying to get those stains out of the floor." Internally I smirked at him before turning to the man in the chair.

Cracking my neck, I shrugged my jacket off and rolled the sleeves up onto my forearm. I held back the satisfied smirk as the man gulped loudly.

Kneeling down, I grabbed a knife from my leg and inspected the blade before standing back up. Moving to stand in front of him, I placed the tip of the blade on his thigh making him squirm.

Lifting the blade up, I kneeled down and placed it at the base of his black pants before sliding up and slicing the fabric as I went, the sound echoing around the empty room.

The man's harsh breathing intensified when the blade made it to his inner thigh, retracting the blade I repeated the process to the other leg. Gripping the bottom of his shirt, I wrenched the blade up slicing it like butter.

I watched him close his eyes, at the action knowing that my moves were getting to him. With his chest, stomach and legs showing, I paced in front of him twirling the blade expertly in my hand.

"Did you know that you can cause the most pain by not cutting too deep? That the most painful knife wounds are the multiple small cuts made into the skin?" My voice was gravelly and deep. I cut into his leg quickly to prove a point, he gasped at the sting watching as a small amount of blood pooled in the open wound.

"Did you also know that by doing this, the person being cut won't pass out due to blood loss? This is the perfect form of torture, don't you think?" I whispered threateningly.

Moving quickly, I made two slices into his chest and stomach before slipping back to my original position. He hissed in pain but still didn't speak. Smirking at the enjoyment I was going to get out of this, I decided to add in a little mix.

Reaching into my pants, I typed a message to Jace before putting my phone back into my pocket. Making several more cuts into his thighs and chest, I waited for Jace to bring me what is asked for.

The door opened and Jace walked in with an unlabeled bottle, handing me the bottle he turned and left the room. Twisting the cap off, I tilted the bottle and poured a little bit of the liquid into the cap.

The man watched my every move, clenching his teeth and jerking at the cuffs that held him in place. Stepping forward I poured the small amount of rubbing alcohol onto the wounds on his thighs.

"Shit," he hissed as it stung his wounds, sweat began to bead on his forehead.

Replacing the cap, I set it on the ground before ealing around the man. Cutting into his chest a little deeper than the small paper cuts before, his eyes widened at the amount of blood that began coating his skin.

Grabbing the alcohol again, I didn't waste time in teasing him just poured a small amount onto his wound straight from the bottle.

"Fuck," he shouted as he tried scooting back from the pain. Dropping the cap, I grabbed my knife in one hand and held the bottle in the other.

Cutting deeper into his skin on his thigh with one hand and pouring alcohol into the wound with the other, the man began to shake.

"Okay, shit. Fuck, just... stop." He screamed as I cut deeper into the top part of his thigh.

I removed the blade as he hissed in pain, "I'll tell you whatever you want, just, please just stop." He whispered dropping his head down.

"What's your name?" I growled.

"Blake, my name is Blake."

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