Chapter Two

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Hallucinating. Yes, I was definitely hallucinating, or at least dreaming.

I did have a big imagination; everyone at Parkinson's told me so. I was fourteen years old and still thinking (or more like hoping) that fairies, goblins, and enchanted forests existed. I wouldn't have been surprised if I woke up in the forest, and dreamt everything. The only problem was that it all felt so real.

The girl called Alyssa held out her hand for me to shake, but I was still frozen in shock. After a wile of me staring at her wide-eyed, she took her hand down awkwardly.

"You okay?" she asked in an almost concerned voice. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it would've burst at any moment, thoughts in head were racing a thousand miles per hour.

"I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming," I shut my eyes and fists as tight as I could and continued my chant. "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming..." I muttered quietly.

'I will open my eyes,' I thought, 'and be standing in the middle of the forest, at three o'clock in the afternoon. I will return to Parkinson's, and get my daily scolding from Mrs. Clerk for running away again and missing lunch.' I repeated this in my head until I convinced myself that I really had imagined the whole thing. 'There was no girl with stormy gray eyes. There was no dog that could morph into a girl with stormy gray eyes. There was just me and my over-imaginative self.' I slowly counted to three, and opened my eyes, left first, and then right.

No one was there. I looked all around me, slowly spinning in a circle. Nadie [Spanish]. Niemand [Dutch]. Nikt [Polish].Keiner [German]. Nul [French]. No one.

I sighed half in relief, and half in disappointment. I stood there for a minute, thinking. Did I really just imagine that whole thing? Could I really have done that? I signed again, stuffed my hands into my jean pockets, and slowly strode to my 'beloved' foster home.

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