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"Oh!You're...Lee Ki Hong right?"I asked him.

"Ne..you remembered me,Ah Ra?"he said and smiled.

"Ah..yes.."I smiled shyly.

He's Lee Ki Hong,my crush in highschool.I confessed to him at the end of the year and unfortunately,he got a girlfriend.Unlike other guys who would be awkward with their admirers,he asked me to be his friend so,I became his friend.Then,everything was fine,I don't feel shy around him anymore and we hangout like friends normally do.Until that one time,he got transferred to America because of his family matters and he left me.He did said he will come back and he did came back because he's the one standing infront of me here.

"How are you?Was it interesting living in America?"I asked him as he took a sit next to me."I'm fine,and living in America was kind of hard for me at first but it got better as time passed by.How are you,Ah Ra?"he answered and asked me the same question."I'm fine too..nothing changed except that I'm married now."I looked at him and he had his shocked face on."Shocked huh?I'm married this early.."I said and chuckled."Yeah..I mean,you're 19 right now.Why did you got married this early?And who's your husband?"he questioned me curiously."It's an arranged marriage..my husband is Jeon Jungkook.He's here too but he went to play with his friends."I replied."Oh...I want to meet your husband!Hey,how about we go and have some coffee?It's my treat."Ki Hong said."Sure..let's just go somewhere near here..I'm afraid my husband will be mad if I'm away from him."I said and Ki Hong nodded.He brought his dog in his arms and I walked beside him.We went to a coffee shop across the street.We ordered our orders and took a seat at the table next to the window."So,you've been questioning me a lot about my life..what about you?"I asked him."Me?I'm the single 20 year old guy."he said and laughed."Ki Hong-ssi,don't you have a girlfriend?What's her name again..ah!Cho Hanseul!"I responded."That Hanseul?!She left me because of an old rich man!I don't know what happen to that bitch after that.Hah!It feels better too because when I'm with her she would always be clingy and that makes me sick of her."Ki Hong said madly."I guess you didn't express your anger for so long that's why you sounded so..bold and mad right now."I said to him which made him laugh."Yeah..I just kept all this by myself you know."he replied.

"It's okay..you'll find someone better next time.Hey,our order is here!"I pointed at our orders placed on the table."Let's drink!"Ki Hong said and drink.We talked for sometime until my phone rang."Yobuseyo?"I answered."Jagi,where are you?I'm worried right now."it's Jungkook who's calling."Oh..don't worry,I'm at the coffee shop with a friend."I answered."What?!A friend?!You better be here quick before I leave you!"he hung up."Ki Hong,I think we better go now.My husband is mad already."I said and stood up.He nodded and carried his dog.He paid our bills earlier and we walked back to the amusement park."There you are!"Jungkook said sarcastically."Mianhe..I went out for a drink with my friend.Ki Hong,this is my husband Jungkook and Jungkook this is my friend Ki Hong."I introduced my friend to him."Annyeonghaesayo,Jungkook-ssi..Lee Ki Hong imnida."Ki Hong bowed and shook hands with Jungkook."Ne..I'm Jungkook.Jeon Jungkook."Jungkook shook Ki Hong's hand but his face showed like he's annoyed for some reasons.

"Nice to meet you,Ki Hong.Now will you excuse,I want to bring back my wife home."he said and grabbed my arm."Hyung!Let's meet again next time!"he said to the other members of BTS who's behind us and we left.We walked to the car silently and entered the car."Mi-mianhe.."I apologized to Jungkook."Do you think apology js enough for what you have did?!"he raised his voice."I'm sorry..I think it's okay for me since we're just nearby.."I answered and looked down."Oh!What if he do something to you?!What if you're hurt?!Have you ever think about that?!"he yelled which made me feel sad and I'm about to cry.I didn't said a word after that and later we arrived to our house.I got out quickly and ran to our room.I sat on the bed and cried.This is our first fight and I never feel so sad like this before.Does he need to yell at me like that!Raise his voice?!Even my parents didn't raise their voice or scold me this harsh!I hate you,Jungkook! I continued crying and suddenly my head is starting to feel dizzy."Ah Ra!Mianhe!Please open the door!!"I heard Jungkook's voice from outside.I don't want to hold a grudge on him,so I opened the door.As I open the door,my visions were blurry and later I saw Jungkook running towards me and everything went black.

I opened my eyes slowly and realised I was lying on the bed.When my eyes are fully open,I saw mom and dad."Mom,when did you come?"I said as I tried to sit."No no no,honey..you must rest.You're not well right now.Lie down."she said and placed my head on the pillow."Jungkook called us and said you fainted in his arms."Dad said and approaced me."Where's Jungkook?"I asked."He's out to buy you some medicine and food."Mom answered."Where's unnie?I haven't seen her for so long."I said."She's at home,she said that she'll visit you tomorrow."Dad said and later,a worried looking Jungkook came."Thanks for taking care of her,mom,dad."he thanked my parents."No problem,Jungkook..since you're back here,we'll leave now.Your noona is at home alone.We're worried about her."dad said and patted Jungkook's shoulder."Take care,Ah Ra.Jungkook,take care of her and you take care of yourself too okay?"Mom said and Jungkook nodded.They left our room and it was really silent right now.


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