Secret Revealed

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While everybody was busy talking,I took the chance to reveal my secret.I fake coughed and finally everybody turned their attention to me."I have something to tell all of you.."I bit my lips and looked down.Why am I feeling nervous right now?Ah..just tell them Ah Ra and you don't have to worry anymore."What is it,jagiya?"Jungkook asked while holding my hand.I snapped myself from my thoughts and looked back at them."On this special day.."I looked at Jungkook while smiling."I'm announcing that I'm..pregnant."I said to all of them and everybody had different expression on their face."Yah!I told you guys!She's pregnant!!!Now buy me new clothes!"Namjoon said happily and began his dancing ceremony."Hyung,you're really something."Jimin said."Yeay!We're going to have a grandchild soon!!"Mom said and held Jungkook's mom hand."I'm sure the baby will be good looking like the parent."mother in law said and looked at us."Why you didn't tell me earlier?"Jungkook said."I want it to be more meaningful when I say this on your birthday.."I said and he nodded."Well this is the best birthday ever in my life."he smiled and kissed my forehead."Thank you..thank you for everything,Ah Ra..I love you."he said and kissed my hand.

"Ah..I'm jealous right now..I want to get married too.."Jin said out of the blue."Aunty,can you find me a good wife like Ah Ra too?"Jin said to Jungkook's mom which made us burst into laughter."You have your handsome face.Go and find yourself."she responded."Hyung,let's find a wife together."Taehyung added."I'm joining!"Jimin raised his hand."You said you don't want to get married early hyung."Jungkook pointed out."Now I changed my mind Jungkook."Jimin said and chuckled."Okay,so the baby might need me when it's born."Jhope interrupted."Why?"all of them asked."Because I'm the Hope.It will need hope to survive."he cracked a joke."Hope,your jokes are so-so."Suga said which made us laugh."Ah..mianhe..hehe.."Hope said and scratched his head."It will be better if your dad and sister are here."Mom said."Where are they mom?Oh,Na Ra said she's going to visit me today but..where is she?"I asked."Your dad went for a bussiness trip and your sister went for a course in Jeju."she said."I wished Jungkook's father was here too..but yeah..he's in a better place now."Jungkook's mom said and mom hugged her."Me too omma.."Jungkook said."Jungkook-ah!We prepared you some present!"Jhope said bringing back the joy mode.

"Oh?Jinjja?!"Jungkook said with wide eyes."Of course!For our golden maknae.."Namjoon said."Let's go!!"Hope lead the way to the living room.All of us left the dining room and took our seats at the living room."Oh..did you prepare any gift for me,jagi?"Jungkook whispered to me."Ah..mianhe,Jungkook-ah..I didn't buy anything for you.."I said."'re my greatest gift for me and now I have double gift since you're carrying our child."he said while holding my hand."Don't worry okay.."he whispered and had his arm around my shoulder."What are you two talking about?"Taehyung said and sat next to us."Hyung,you don't have to know.."Jungkook answered."Jungkook-ah!Here's my gift for you!"Jimin said and handed him a paper bag."What could this be?"Jungkook took the paper bag and peeked in it."Plain T-shirts?"he said and showed us the t-shirt."You said you wanted 50 plain t-shirts.For now,I buy you 2 shirts later you buy yourself another 48.."he said and laughed."Kamsa,hyung.."he said."Give me a kiss,Jungkook."he pointed his cheek.Jungkook rolled his eyes and gave him a peck on the cheek."Omg!Jungkook!!"Jimin said happily.

"Ew..Jimin you really got no jams.."Namjoon groaned."I got yes jam!Now what's your present,RapMon hyung?Do you have some jams to give to me?"he asked."Never..ah,here Jungkook..the new PS4 for you."he said and handed him the present."Wow!!Thank you Namjoon hyung!!"Jungkook jumped from his seat and hugged Namjoon."Wowow..Jungkook hold your horses...okay..You are mostly welcome."Namjoon said and patted his head."Jungkook-ah,I prepared you a music equipment.I think I put it in your guestroom..right?Ah Ra?"Suga asked."Yes..I asked them to put it in the guestroom."I explained to Jungkook."Thank you,hyungs.I love you for my whole life."Jungkook confessed and the others hugged him.Jin took his polaroid camera and took their picture."Let me take your picture."I offered myself.He gave me the camera and I took their pictures.Seriously,they are the real friendship goals.

"Jungkook.."his mom called him and he immediatly walked to his mom."I have no gift for you but I have this to give's from your father."she said and handed him a letter."Gomawo,omma.."he took the letter and hugged her.",Jinhee and I are going to go's late already."mom said and I went to her."Thanks for coming,mom.Take care on your way home."I said to her and hugged her."Thank you,omma..take care too.."I hugged my mother in law and sent them to the gate."I'll read this later."Jungkook showed me the letter and shoved it in his pocket.We entered the house and found the boys cleaning the dish in the kitchen."Aw..thanks for helping guys."I said and hugged them."You're like our younger sister,Ah,we're going to help."Jin said and patted my head."Plus,you're a pregnant women now."Namjoon said."What?!I'm too old to be called a women!"I whined.",pregnant lady?Aha.."he said again.All of them laughed while I just scoff.They went back after helping us to clean the house.I took my shower and sat on the bed to wait for Jungkook.He entered the room after taking his shower..


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