Chapter 13

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*Jocelyn’s POV*

I watched Zayn and Sam walk out of the kitchen and frowned. What did Sam have planned for Zayn? I know that she plans on following Matthew’s orders… that she plans on killing the lads… Would she really hurt Zayn on the first date? She wouldn’t…would she?

“Jocelyn, Jocelyn,” I heard Niall say. Oops, must have zoned out. I looked at Niall and smiled. “Yes Ni,” I asked him. He frowned. “You seemed pretty deep in thought, what’s wrong,” he asked, taking my hand gently. I bit my lip, quickly thinking of a lie. “Do you think that Zayn will try anything on Sam,” I asked him, trying to act like a concerned older sister. Funny, I actually was nothing like that. I was hoping that my sister won’t kill my friends.

Niall shrugged. “Most likely not,” he said, playing with my fingers, “But if he does, I’ll beat him up for you,” he said jokingly. I looked down, remembering when Niall actually had beat Zayn up. Niall realized what he had said, and hurriedly said, “I don’t really mean it! I mean, Zayn is one of my best mates, I’d never want to hurt him…”I smiled at him. “It’s ok Niall, I know what you mean,” I told him, pecking him on the lips lightly.

*Sam’s POV*

Zayn led me down the sidewalk towards the park. I looked around the place. Wow, London is beautiful. When I told Zayn that I had never been here, that was the truth. I’ve always lived with my mom in the United States. I actually met Matthew by chance… kind of. That’s a story for another time though.

“Zayn, London is so pretty,” I told him. He squeezed my hand lightly. “Not as pretty as you,” he said cheekily, and I blushed. Zayn smiled and continued walking. I smirked to myself. This is only my third assignment from Matthew, and I know it will be the easiest. Zayn will be easy to get rid of. I just need him to get close to me. At least, that’s what Jocelyn is doing, and she’s the best spy in the business, according to Matthew.

We passed a lot of little shops, and I realized that I hadn’t eaten breakfast. “Zayn,” I said, tugging his hand a little. “Yes,” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “Can we get breakfast,” I asked him, tugging him towards a little café. He smiled and nodded.

We walked up to the café and sat at an outside table. I picked up the menu and scanned it quickly. I looked at Zayn and saw he was doing the same. He had his head cocked to the side in concentration, and the sunlight was hitting his face perfectly, defining his chiseled features. His brown eyes were full of emotion. I could see a little happiness in them, but strangely, they were tinted with sadness. I wonder why?

I was about to ask him why, when the waitress walked up to us. She had on a tight white, button up T-shirt and short denim shorts. She had on a face-load of makeup, making her look like a clown, and her blonde hair was pulled into a tight pony tail. She had a name tag on, presenting her as Tiffany. ”Hello, how can I help you,” Tiffany asks in an impatient tone. She looks up from her little note pad and her eyes immediately light up. “No way! You’re Zayn Malik,” she says in a sickly sweet, flirtatious voice.

Zayn smiles at her. “Why yes I am Tiffany,” he replies, leaning back in his chair. She shrieks ad gasps in shock. “How do you know my name,” she asks in bewilderment. I roll my eyes. This chick is so stupid! “It’s on your name tag,” Zayn replies nonchalantly. She smirks, leaning forward and whispering quite loud into his ear,” You know Zayn, you’re quite sexy…Imagine the things we can do…”

I nearly gagged. Could this bitch really not see that I was sitting right in front of them?! Wait, why do I even care? I mean, all Zayn and the other boys are is an assignment… right? I can’t start developing feelings for them! I’m pretty sure Jocelyn has… but she’s weak!

Finally, I couldn’t resist the feeling of jealousy in me when I saw Zayn and tiffany still flirting. I stood up and grabbed Zayn’s arm, pulling him out of his chair. “Zayn,” I started, “I think we should go eat breakfast in a Café without sluts for waitresses.” And with that, I pulled Zayn away, smirking in triumph at Tiffany, who was wearing a shocked/angry expression.

I felt Zayn chuckle and turned to him. “Why are you laughing,” I ask him as we walk down the boulevard, cars passing us on the street. He smiles and replies, “I’m laughing at you, you seemed to be jealous.” I opened my mouth to respond, but closed it again, furrowing my eyebrows. No, I am not jealous! If I was jealous, that means I have feelings for him, which I don’t! I can’t! If I do have feelings for him… then I have to get rid of them… I have to get rid of Zayn. Which is my job.

I bite my lip.  Don’t really know if I'm ready to kill him... I guess I should just get it over with…

“Sam,” I hear Zayn say. “What,” I ask, shaking my head. I guess I was just lost in my thoughts. “What are you thinking about,” he asks, turning his head to face me while walking. I could see the cars on the street rushing past him, well behind him. Then an idea came into my head.

I smile at him. “I was just thinking,” I say slowly, reaching down to take his hand, “that I think I like you.” I watch as a large smile brightens up his face, and I'm struck with a pang of guilt. I won’t ever see that smile… I wince at the thought, and his expression immediately turns to concern.

“Are you ok,” he asks, squeezing my hand while we continue walking. I let out a fake smile and say, “Never better!” And with that, I pushed aside all my feelings for Zayn. I let myself remember all my spy training and do what I should have done before I started to like Zayn. I quickly stuck my foot out in front of his, causing him t trip… right into the oncoming traffic.

*Jocelyn’s POV*

I sigh, enjoying the feeling of Niall’s arms around me. I’d never get tired of him… I glance back up at the TV screen, watching the ending of Titanic. I smile at the screen, remembering the last time I watched this movie, with Niall on the most perfect date ever…

I feel Niall’s lips brush my ear as he whispers, “I love you.” I smile and am about to reply when I hear my phone ringing. I groan and reach other, not even checking the caller ID. “Hello,” I say into the phone. “Is this Jocelyn, Samantha’s sister,” an unfamiliar male voice asks. “Yes,” I reply, a little confused. At the next words the person says, I gasp and drop the phone. No…no, no, no, no, NO!

“Jocelyn, what’s wrong,” Niall asks, wrapping his arms around me protectively. I bite my lip, turn to him, and whisper with tears in my eyes, “Zayn… he’s in the hospital in critical condition…”

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