Chapter 16

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The green Packard parked in front of the Sunset Arms. Grandpa exited the vehicle and entered the building, several grocery bags in tow.

"Pookie, I'm home!" he said as he came through the door. "I went to the store to pick up some supplies - boy, are these bags heavy!"

"I'll help you with those bags, Grandpa," Oskar Kokoshka leapt from his spot on the sofa in the living room and went to Grandpa's side, but Grandpa kicked a leg at him to keep him at bay.

"The heck you will, ya chiselin' freeloader!" threatened Grandpa. "And don't let me catch you laying a hand on these Yahoo! Sodas. I bought these specifically for the Shortman! Where is Arnold anyway?"

"Young Kimba's probably upstairs in his room," replied Grandma, poking her head out from the kitchen and drying a plate with a towel.

Grandpa entered the kitchen and proceeded to put away his purchased items. Also in the kitchen, Ernie Potts was playing solitaire at the kitchen table; Oskar's wife, Suzie Kokoshka, was standing at the kitchen counter, having a cup of coffee.

As Grandpa busied himself with putting things away, Oskar persisted in looking over his shoulder, scoping out the good stuff. Eventually, Grandpa had enough.

"Dangnabbit! What did I tell you about snooping around after I do groceries?"

"I'm just making sure you got the things I like," retorted Oskar.

"Kokoshka, you bum! Lay off the old man!" chided Ernie from his seat at the table. "If you want something bad enough, why don't you just go to the store and get it yourself?"

"I do, all the time!"

"I'm the one that does the actual shopping," chimed in Suzie, laconically. "Oskar just makes the list."

"That's a huge part of the process! Come on, Grandpa, just let me have that bag of chips..."

"When I say no, I mean no! Now get lost!" Grandpa chucked a spoiled head of cabbage at Oskar, who ducked from the assault and quickly fled the area.

"Alright alright – I get the message!"

As Oskar left the kitchen, the doorbell rang. "And just to show you I'm a good sport, I'll answer the door."

"Now who in blue blazes could that be at this hour?" wondered Grandpa out loud.

Grandpa put the rest of the things away, and made his way to the front of the house. He left the kitchen just in time to see Oskar propelled through wall, straight into the living room, by an unknown force.

"Mama Leone!"

Simone came through the front door. She turned to look at Grandpa, who then sailed across the kitchen, and into the kitchen table where Ernie playing cards. Suzie dropped her cup of coffee and screamed, then was shot through the kitchen window by Simone's gaze.

"Good Grief...!" Ernie ducked underneath what remained of the table just as Simone entered the kitchen. "This looks like a job for Ol' Reliable..."

As Simone approached the battered not-so-Steely Phil, Ernie quietly crawled out of the kitchen, slipping past her and then making his way upstairs to the second floor. Grandpa was splayed on the ground; he had a nasty cut on his forehead. His eyes closed, he shook his head and groaned.

Suddenly Simone felt something hit the back of her head. It was a rolling pin; Grandma was behind her, armed with a butcher's knife, but frozen in place out of sheer terror. Simone stared at Grandma; Grandma felt her arms raise on their own, above her head, while still clutching the knife. She then brought it down forcefully, through her chest and into her heart. Grandma crumpled on the floor.

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