Chapter 2 - Conners POV

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Shes gone. I can't believe it she is gone. The love of my life. Ava is dead. I held her in my arms cradling her tears rolling down my cheeks. I heard Nico and Leo telling me we had to go but I couldn't move. I stood up and carried her bridal style whilst Nico transported us through the shadows to Olympus where everyone would be. Ash was holding onto my Shoulder with the caduceus in the other hand and Leo holding Ava lifeless hand and holding onto Calypso. We arrived in the throne room. All the gods were there and all the campers. They saw us and started cheering until they saw what I was holding. The cheers turned into whispers which turned into cries. I approached the gods and lay Ava down on the steps. I heard Adam yelling and crying. I stood and stared at her face. She seemed angelic like she was asleep.

"Who did this.?" Apollo asked his usual excitable self was gone.

"Her sister Lucy. She turned to the dark side." There were gasps all around but I ignored them.

"We have to have a funeral. A funeral for the daughter of Apollo." Ash exclaimed. We got back to camp somehow and the Aphrodite kids prepped her for her burial. The Apollo children made a shroud for her whilst I stood off to the side struck with grief. Ash stood beside me aswell as Leo, Nico and Calypso. Adam came to join us standing off to the side of the pyre. She was lay on top of it and the shroud was put on top of her. It was beautiful there was a huge sun in the middle with a bow and arrow. Her name was written on it in gold lettering. The pyre was lit and we all held hands. Leo and Calypso, Ash and Nico and then Nico took my hand. Ash took Calypso's hand. After all we have been through it was good that we were all there for each other. Ava body burned and I didn't want to let go. I never will. Her body shimmered silver under the shroud and then disappeared. The four of us exchanged glances and looked to see it floating above the fire. It then shot upwards. I looked around to see if anyone else had sewn it but no one had they were to busy crying. I took one look at Leo and I knew we had to figure out what that was. After the ceremony both me and leo ran to the bunker 16. We poured over the books there until we were exhausted. Ash and Nico came several times to help us as did Calypso but she was wary of the bunker. Which was understandable. One day we found it. It was an old, old book.

"Leo I think I found something" I read the excerpt out to him

"Warriors of great strength being offered a chance to live. A white light appeared above their graves before shooting off into the sky to the same version of thier body. Their memories lost but can be gained back." I looked at Leo and grinned.

"She's alive. AVA'S ALIVE." We screamed in hope all we had to do was find her. Ash and Nico came running in to see what we were shouting about. We showed them the book and they exchanged looks of hope. We had to find her. I was going to find her. Even if it killed me.

Above is the book that Leo and Conner found with info about Ava

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