Chapter 5 ~ Ava's POV

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My alarm clock went off. I rolled over and fell out of my bed. Lying on the floor I didn't want to get up but I knew I had to go to work. After work I decided to go to the orphanage to see my family. I got up off the floor and shut my alarm off. I grabbed an outfit from my wardrobe and ran into the shower. After washing and getting dressed I went into the kitchen to get breakfast. I nearly ran into harry coming from the kitchen.
"Sorry Avery. I didn't mean to bump into you. " He was holding a plate with toast and scrambled eggs on it. I smiled and stole a bit of toast from his plate.
" It's ok. Thanks for this." I bit down on it and walked through to the kitchen. I grabbed a cereal bar and a bottle of apple juice.
"See you later guys."
"Bye Avery!!" They shouted from Albert's room. I shut the front door and walked out the building. I got a cab to the restaurant and when I got there I donned my apron. The first customers were a family of three with a child who loved throwing food around. The door opened and I went to greet them ducking under some flying mash potato. There were five of them One girl five guys. They looked like they had been travelling for a while.
"Hello I'm Avery I will be your server today table for five?" The girl nodded and looked at me weirdly. I smiled and lead them to a table in the center of the room.
"Can I get you some drinks or do you want a minute?" I placed the menus down in front of them .
"Can you give us a minute." I nodded and went to serve the potato throwing princess.
"Can we get three chocolate cake slices please." I nodded and walked to the kitchen.
"Larry can I get three chocolate slices"
"SURE THING AVERY!" He yelled back. I walked back over to the table with the teenagers to get thier order. When I walked over they stopped talking as if talking about me. I shook it off and smiled.
"What can I get you guys?" I took out my notebook and flipped the page.
"Can we get two cheeseburger and chips, a pepperoni and mushroom pizza and Steak and veg and blue pancakes please." The girl with black hair said. I wrote it down on my notebook and collected their menus. I sent the order off to the kitchen and started to clean up the table the family just left.
"Avery?" Larry yelled. (Hes the boss/head chef)
"Yeah!" I shouted back brushing crumbs into my hand.
"Kayliegh tells me your thinking of going back to the orphanage today." I rolled my eyes. Kayliegh just had to tell everyone my business.
"Yeah I'm going to check on the others you know how they are." I stood up and replaced the cutlery on the table.
"Cool, cool, Tell you what. If you can finish up this stuff whilst I go and do some paperwork I'll let you leave early." I turned to stare at Larry. He must be in a good mood. Which is ultra rare.
"Well how about it girlie?" I quickly nodded heading to the kitchen. He handed me his spatula and walked into his office. I read through the orders and made the cheeseburgers, pizza and the pancakes before starting on the Steak. I finished up all the orders balanced them on my arms and walked through the swing doors. I set their meals on the table and stretched my arms.
"Is there anything else I can get you?" I asked they all shook thier heads and picked up their cutlery.
"Ava." A male voice behind me ask. I turned round and they all were looking up at me expectantly.
"I'm sorry my name is Avery not Ava you must have me mistaken for someone else." Before they could say anything I walked up to Larry and told him that I was leaving.
"Alright Avery see you monday. Tell Tom I say hi." I smiled and nodded grabbing my coat. I pulled it on stepping into the cold New York air. I walked across the street into central park and walked to the orphanage. Luckily it's only a little while away. I heard it before I saw it. Everyone was shouting and laughing and I bet as soon as I walk in its going to multiply. I walked round the corner and there it was a huge building with a even bigger garden which is lucky I suppose. We could have a small house and big garden or a small garden and big house. Anyway I walked through the gate and everyone stopped to look at me.
"What did you all forget me so easily?" I said looking at them. They stood undecided then all of them ran forward at me. I screamed ad the pulled me into a hug.
"You're back."
"YAY AVERY" I laughed at thier responses and hugged them.
"Oh I've missed you guys. I told I would come back didn't I." The let go of me asking me a dozen questions at a time. Then Jack came out. He stopped st the door leaning against it watching me talk to the kids. He walked down and everyone make a walkway so he could see me.
"Hey." I said sheepishly when he got in front of me.
"Hey that's all you have to say. You haven't been gone for weeks and all you have to say is hey?" I smiled sheepishly. He shook his head and pulled me into a hug. I gripped his shirt as if it was my life line and he gripped my head pulling me into his shoulder. I felt tears come into my eyes when we held each other. We pulled away and looked into each others eyes.
"I missed you." he said.
"I missed you two oh and Larry says hey." Jack just laughed.
"Thanks Larry . Ruining a good moment." I laughed and just like that the moment was over. I looked at the kids and saw Caroline. I smiled and she ran up and gave me a massive hug. I hugged her back and took her hand and she pulled me into the orphanage with everyone trailing behind. I got in and inhaled deeply. It was exactly the same as when I left. I heard footsteps and a voice.
"What is all this racket. I swear if you kids a have found another stray cat I'll be very angry." I smiled it was Mrs Andrews the lady who took care of every child who passed through here.
"Not a cat but a stray." I shouted out as she reached the landing of the stairs.

"Oh Avery it's you dear." Caroline let my hand go and I walked forward to help her down. She was a lot worse than when I last saw her. She grasped my arm and I guided her down the stairs and into the living room into her seat. I kneeled down and looked into her eyes. They had lost their shine and seemed dull but still kind. I knew she wasn't going to be alive much longer but she was still determined to work until she dropped. I smiled at her and she placed a hand on my face.
"Oh Avery I'm glad you came back you can see me one more time." Her eyes dropped and looked at our clasped hands.
"What do you mean one last time. You'll be here till the end of time." I tried lightening up the situation a little and she laughed which turned into a coughing fit. My heart ached straight away. I knew my mother figure was going to go soon. I just hoped I would be there for her.

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