Chapter 4 - Conner's POV

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I stole a large map from the camp store aswell as some drawing pins. Leo and I decided to make a map of where Ava might be. We managed to narrow it down to three places.
New york
She doesn't know french so we narrowed it down to New York or London. We were just about to have yet another argument when Percy ran in along with Ash and Nico.
"We know.... where...she is.." He said out of breath. My eyes nearly jumped out of my head.
"What?" He steadied himself on one of the work benches.
"She's in New York. Nico saw her in central park. She works near by." I strode over to Nico and grabbed his shoulder.
"Is it true. Was it her." He nodded taking hold of my wrist and moving them off his shoulders.
"Yes it's her I know it. I saw her. Shes alive." My heart nearly stopped hearing that. I turned around and looked at the map. After weeks of searching we found her. I looked at Leo, Nico, Ash and percy.
"Well let's go find her." I started to rush around packing when Percy stopped me.
"We need to make sure it's her. Let's go to New York go to her work and make sure it is her." I sighed my shoulders dropping.
"Look I can ask Chiron of we can go to New York and stay at my mom's." I looked at percy and nodded. We walked out the bunker shutting off the lights and making sure it was secure. We walked in silence to the big house and when we entered Chiron came out to greet us.
"Well if it isn't my favourite demigods." He looked around. "Don't tell any of the others I said that."
"We won't only if you let us go to New York. To stay at percy his mother is moving and she needs help to get stuff from her old house to her new one." Ash lied flawlessly. Chiron looked a bit skeptical. Then he looked at me and his expression softened. Everyone knew I had been having a rough time since Ava passed I hadn't been eating right I hadn't turned up to most of my classes. No one else knew that she was alive but us. He nodded. And stomped his hoof on the wooden floor.
"You can leave in the morning." I nearly jumped for joy. We ran to our cabins to get ready and I bumped into my brother.
"Conner hey how are you feeling today?" I smiled. Even though I hadn't spoken to him in ages he still cared. That's a good brother.
"I'm good. I'm going into the city with Percy and the others to help his mom move house." I didn't want to lie to him but I couldn't exactly tell him the truth now could I. He smiled not noticing my lie.
"That's good don't work too hard. We don't want you to get hurt. Hey how about when you get back we play a prank on the Aphrodite kids " I nodded half heartedly but if he noticed he didn't say anything. He retreated to his bed and went to sleep. The rest of my siblings were asleep so I moved as quietly as I could which was easy being a son of Hermes and all. I pickpocketed a few things off of the others that I knew they wouldn't miss like packets of gum and food and a few drachmas. I threw my clothes and stuff into a borrowed bag and zipped it up. I sat it next to my bunk and crawled in and kay awake thinking about Ava. She's alive and I get to see her again and this time I'm not letting her go.

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