What are you doing?

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"I dare you to..."


"Break into the new kid's house and steal... uh... steal his... uh.... steal an outfit of his, but put it on before you come back."

And, cue the choking on air. "What?" I asked when I finished coughing.

"You heard me." Jade said in a very "duh" tone.

"I... I'll be back... then... I guess."

Everyone cheered.

I walked to the door, took a deep breath and ran to his house. If you're wondering how I knew where it was, it's because he's my neighbor, and his windows right across from mine, but I keep my curtains closed. I just happened to open them, to see if it was raining, and saw him, on his phone. But I closed them quickly, before he could see me.

I climbed up the tree by his window and looked in. Coast clear. I opened the window and climbed inside. I quickly looked in his draws, and found sweatpants, and a t-shirt. Both were black, the shirt with white words that I didn't even stop to read. I quickly stripped down to my bra and underwear, about to put on the pants, when I heard,

"What are you doing?"

My eyes widened, and I turned quickly. "Um... I..." I walked backwards to the window and climbed out, and down the tree. I ran into my house, to the living room.

Well then... Was literally my only thought besides That was awkward...

"What happened to you?" My friends took in my appearance.  You know, messed up hair, with leaves and twigs in it. In just my underwear and bra... wait, what?! I dropped the pants and put on the shirt... his shirt. I slipped on the sweatpants and sniffed the shirt. Wow, no wonder girls are always smelling guys jackets in books. They smelled good. I took another sniff and then opened my eyes. I blushed a deep crimson and went to my spot with everyone's eyes following me. 

"So, how'd it go?"

"Terrible," I said frowning.

"Hmm, what happened?"

"I ran there, and was about to put on his pants when he walked in and asked me what I was doing. So, I ran home, and was standing practically naked in front of all of my friends. Then, I blushed, and now I am here."

"Is he cute?"

"I don't know! Why are you asking so many freaking questions, Jade?"

"I only asked three! Calm down!"

"Can we just hurry up and ask the other three newbies theirs? I'm tired." I said. Really, I just was not in the mood. I was still slightly embarrassed and annoyed.

All of the newbies picked dare, and did the dare. 


I got ready for bed and then peaked out of the curtain, to see if he was there. The second I opened it his eyes caught mine and he smirked. I gave him the same smirk and opened my window, and him, his.

"Although it was quite embarrassing that you caught me in your room almost naked, I would like to thank you for the clothes." I said proudly pulling the material of the t-shirt as if to indicate to it.

His jaw dropped, probably at my confidence. Once he pulled himself together he went back to smirking. "You're welcome." He said and right after I closed my window and the shades.


*His P.O.V. of the window talk just 'cause*

I was looking at the neighbors window wondering who lived there when the curtain opened. It was the girl who was in my room. 

I smirked at the fact that I now know where the room breaker-inner lives. She smirked back at me which caught me by surprise, if we are being honest.

"Although it was quite embarrassing that you caught me in your room almost naked, I would like to thank you for the clothes." She said showing me my shirt.

My jaw dropped when I realized that this arrogant, cocky, confident girl, was wearing my clothes which were really big on her. I went back to smirking and said just as cockily, "You're welcome." Then, she slammed her window closed and closed the shades too. I stood there for a minute completely and utterly shocked, then closed my window. The funny thing is, I actually want to get to know her. I could tell that all of that smirking and such were just a cover up. That's not the real her, and I want to figure her out...

The pic at the top is Veronica.

Sorry I'm being terrible. At first it was a serious case of writer's block, then it was a lot of stress and school work. The last two still apply, but I didn't have much homework for once, so I decided to work on it. I am hoping to update again this weekend. I am also hoping to update the others too. No promises.

So... yeah, bye, I guess. For today anyway

It all Started With A Dare (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now