"I'm Tired Of..."

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Aries: "Wanting to punch people all the time."

Taurus: "Not being able to do what I want."

Gemini: "Gemini hate #stopthegeminihate2015"

Cancer: "Everyone thinking I will cry at whatever they say."

Leo: "People calling me bossy."

Virgo: "People saying I'm boring."

Libra: "People thinking I am in love with everything materialistic."

Scorpio: "Bitches throwing themselves on me."

Sagittarius: "Not having someone to be free with."

Capricorn: "Not caring as much as I should."

Aquarius: "People calling me weird no matter what I do."

Pisces: "Fish jokes."

Yes...please no more fish jokes...

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora