Chapter 7 "

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I see them walk by again and I turn away, knowing my face is growing red with fury. I can't stand seeing them together acting like a couple, and even if they were I know he's keeping secrets from her. He can't tell her about the other girl and if he did tell her, there would be major consequences. They can't be a couple, it doesn't make sense. They aren't supposed to be together, he didn't fight for her life.

Despite my greatest efforts I couldn't help but think of her, which led me to thinking about her and Ben together. I was basically pissed off all the time. The wheels in my head never stopped turning, my jaw never unclenched, my body never able to sleep. 

**A week later**

I CAN'T STAND THIS ANYMORE! I can't stand seeing them near each other. I can't take it! I'm so done with seeing them anywhere close to each other that in the middle of the buggin glade I walk up, my long fingers in a fist. I do the only thing my fuzzy mind will let me, punch him square in the nose.  He stumbles back as Ashlyn gasps and for a moment it seems as if the Glade is silent. The moment doesn't last long before Ben gets back up and punches back, leading to an all out fist fight. I don't see where Ashlyn or anybody else is, all I can see is my target as I try to get it through his thick skull that he needs to keep his hands off MY GIRL. Just like my fight with Gally I'm stopped by a sob coming from Ashlyn. But this time she doesn't run into my arms to see if i'm okay, she runs into someone else's, and I fall to my knees the weight of her decision hitting me like someone tackled me and wouldn't let me breath. 

She choose him. It was all over. 


Hey guys!!! So were not dead!!! *whispers* "i'm dead on the inside" OOPS. -Elliot

Hi guys! So were back, it's been awhile, and if you're wondering, yes i'm hotter -James

So were hoping this makes you happy that this is a thing, and we hope we can start regularly update. We don't plan on updating as often as we used to because we are also revising In My Dreams!!! We will save the original so you guys can go back to the good 'ol days and say "I was a part of that fam when this copy was the ONLY  copy" and we'll be like "REMEMBER THAT TIME PERIOD WHEN THERE WAS ONLY THIS ONE " *hold up 5,000 year old book* an new people to the fam will be like "wat" and we'll all be back here like "mmmmmhmm"

So, yeah

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