Chapter 8 "

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We just wanted to say thank you to the 18 people who read our last chapter and are excited to see what's coming next!


"You shank!" was the first thing I heard. "You shucking go around punching whoever you like!" Alby yelled at me. "Why can't you seem to think straight anymore!" he continued "If I can't get it through your klunk head that you have to act like a normal person i'm going to have to take you out of an authoritative position!" I was trying to just sit there and take it, but I couldn't anymore. I began to get angry, I began to lose control of myself.

"Alby," I began

"I don't want to hear it!" he cut me off. "I'm tired of you thinking you run the place! It's like you've gone crazy! Do you know what the other gladers have been saying about you!"

"I don't care," I tried my best to sound calm through my gritted teeth.

"Well you're gonna hear it anyway," Alby said, his tone of voice sounding like the calm before a storm. "They're saying you've lost it, that you've gone crazy, and that you're just plain gone. I've heard worse things than that too, that WICKED's inside your head, that you're on there side,"

"Bloody hell! Really! So what I got a little pissed off-"

"A little!" he cut me off again "You were more than a little pissed off, and this wasn't the first time it's happened either," he closed his eyes, inhaling. "I'm done, Newt, I'm really done with all of the klunk you've caused," before I could say anything else he walked out.


I had been locked up for three days now. I was in the slammer by choice, I locked myself up and made Alby promise not to let me out for at least two weeks. I needed the time alone with my thoughts where I couldn't see Ashlyn or Ben.


It had been two lonely days so far, the only time I saw anyone was when they brought me food. I wanted to ask people if they really thought I was crazy, and I wanted to ask about Ben and Ashlyn, but I kept my mouth shut.


Within five days I had almost gotten used to the boredom. Nothing to do but sit with my thoughts. I think this was a good idea.


It had now been six days and was trying to get myself to stop thinking about her, I refused to say her name.


Seven days, it had been seven days, one week. It was hard not to think of her, I told Alby not to let me out for another two weeks.


Ten days in wasn't so bad, she was no longer a constant in my head, I was doing well, smiling in fact.


Eleven days, I was bouncing off the walls, I was so happy she was out of my head, now me, her and Ben could all be happy. My smile never left my face.


Alby was proud of me on the twelve day, said that he thought it was a good idea, and that I hadn't lost "my buggin' mind". That felt good to hear.


"Newt," I froze, scared stiff, no, no, no, no, no, no. "Newt," it came again, more urgent this time. There was no way. "Newt!" she said again, what the shuck! "Newt!"

"yes?" as the only thing I managed to say. I was happy without her, I needed this time without her, it was doing me good, it was doing both of us good.

"I'm sorry," and she was gone.


I was all jumbled up, but I was sure she wouldn't come again the next night. I sat there all the next day thinking, why? What was she sorry for? Why was she saying it now? I sat there for quite some time in the quiet.

"Newt," Why? Why me? I felt defeated, why can't she just leave me alone.


"I want to talk to you," Why? She didn't need to talk to me, so why would she?

"Why?" I was answered with silence. I hadn't turned to face her yet and I didn't think I could. She was so silent I almost thought she had left.

"Because," she eventually said. It wasn't a good enough answer, not for me anyway.

"Because why?" my voice sounding calmer than I felt.

"Because I miss you," this time I was the silent one. "Please say something," she said, but I was done. She was the one who had left me, I was the one who had still wanted her, I was the one who had fought for her, I was the one who had locked myself up for the both of us!

"Goodbye," I wished I could walk away



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