A Song Of Pride

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I need Latina pride because
I was eleven when someone insulted my nationality.
I need Latina pride because
I was eleven when someone asked me about cocaine and drug lords.

I need Latina pride because
I was twelve when I began hating my country,
I need Latina pride because
I was twelve when people told me to hate my country, and I listened.

I need Latina pride because
I was thirteen when I loved my country again.
I need Latina pride because
I was thirteen when I noticed that patriotism was only okay with one country, not mine.

I need Latina pride because
I was fourteen when Donald Trump ran for president with his ugly hair and uglier hate.
I need Latina pride because
I was fourteen when I realized that they hate us that much, they really hate us that much.

I need Latina pride because
I am fifteen and I am forced to write why I need to feel proud of myself.
I need Latina pride because
I am fifteen, and I want to write about beautiful things, and I have to write about the ugly truth.

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