Chapter Five

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"What," I asked as I stood before the two worst enemies that I've faced in my mortal life. It was more of a threatening statement than a question.

"We asked to speak with the leader of the demigod forces. But I thought you were long dead there Jackson," Kronos said with surprise in his voice.

"I sensed something in the Earth shift a while ago but I didn't think much of it. I guess your passing was what caused a shift," Gaea added in.

"Or it was Order and Chaos giving me control over their army," I said, aggravated that they were acting as if we weren't about to go to war.

"They did, did they? I was wondering what my hag of a mother was doing with her spare time. I guess saving demigods has become a hobby for her," she stated nonchalantly.

"We are not friends. There is no point in me being here if there's nothing of importance being discussed," I growled and turned my back on them.

"We came to talk of a truce," Kronos called out to me. Stopping, I turned to look at him with confusion on my face.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because someone larger is coming and you will need everything to win this," Kronos said, not seeming too happy about it.

"Who?" I asked even more confused.

"Ask Chaos and Order. They'll have to tell you."

"Why not help this enemy?"

"Because we hate you, but we want Earth to survive. Though we won't be fighting, you won't be getting any help from us either. Now that we know you will be the one leading the demigods I have a little more faith. You and your trusty sidekick girlfriend are a pain in the ass to beat," Gaea spoke, surprisingly polite for someone with our past. Though the last part did hurt.

"Annabeth is dead. She was murdered and that's what caused my death," I stated sadly, looking down as I explained it to them.

"Well then we might need to bring her back like you?" Kronos spoke up.

"She is in the army but won't reveal herself to me," I stated with gritted teeth. They need to stop pestering me and leave. This is getting annoying.

"I'm sorry Perseus," Gaea said with pity in her voice,"I'm sure that there is a reason for her keeping herself in hiding."

"Maybe. But it's night time, you two better leave before the camp comes and tries to fight the war you two decided not to have," I stated point over my shoulder with my thumb at the campers standing at the ready with their armor and weapons in hand.

"Fair enough," they said in unison and put their hands up in a surrender motion and Kronos disappeared in a flash of golden light. Gaea melted into the Earth, leaving me alone at the bottom of the hill. I turned and looted towards the top of the hill. The army and the campers were mixed in and Chiron stood at the top of the hill with my two commanders.

"Stop standing around and go get ready. Tomorrow will be your first day of training and it will not be fun," I called out to everyone. "Commanders please keep an eye on the soldiers and campers, I have to go discuss topics of the war with someone."

"Yes sir!" They both shouted. I nodded my head towards them then disappeared, traveling to the Void.

Not many people can survive this place. With its always changing extreme weather from the one hundred and twenty degree humid heat to the arctic snow and winds the Void can be a very dangerous place for those that don't know it's layout. Now the Void isn't where Gods or Titans or any other immortal beings go when they fade, they go into The Hall, which is a place somewhat like Hades except there is no Asphodel just a heavenly place like Elysium. Also unlike Hades there is no God or Goddess that rules The Hall, it's more of everyone gets their own space to do with as they please as long as they don't intrude on others' areas.

As I strode through, the building I was looking for was coming into view. A large grey box, no doors, no cracks and no opening in any way. I walked around the box and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I walked towards it and as I did it leveled down to my hight and I reached out and touched it. It felt cold like ice. I took my swords and stabbed them through the side, fearing the worst. As I cut through the stone-like material and I gasped at what I saw. The area inside the stone box was full of dead bodies. The stench filled the air and gusted out towards me and hit me with a wave of nausea.

The box held the most dangerous being to have ever been formed. The box was to be guarded by Chaos and Order's personal guard. I slammed my hand onto the box and it shattered, the bodies fell to the ground. I roared in rage and for the second time in one week I flashed to Duas in pure anger. "Where is he?!" I yelled out in the halls that were fully empty. Both Chaos and Order flashed in again, dressed in battle armor and weapons in hand. Feeling a wave of familiarity, I looked them dead in the eyes, pissed. "We weren't sure if he was involved but we would've eventually told you about it," Order said casually.

"That's bullshit."

"It doesn't matter, we are your superiors and you have to deal with it. You are not in charge," Order jeered at me, much to Chaos' dissatisfaction.

"Maybe that should change then," I growled. I drew sun and moon and took a defiant stance.

"Stop this! We should not be fighting each other! There are more important opponents than each other!" Chaos reprimanded as she stepped between us.

"Sister, step back," Order warned.

"No, this has to stop. You should know better Order. Percy, you're smarter than this. You can not fight one of us," Chaos said the last part quietly.

"You want to bet on that," I whispered, gripping my swords tightly.

"Perseus no!" Chaos yelled as I lunged around her towards Order. I swung sun in an arch from left to bottom right. Order spun his spear and parried my swing and I countered with a jab from moon. The battle between us ensued, neither one of us taking a blow. Order jabbed with his spear, rolling over it I swung my sword down right above the head. It snapped with a loud crack and I kicked Order in the chest on my way down. As he laid on his back I walked and kneeled on his chest. My sword on his neck. "I win."

"You've made a big mistake here boy," Order sneered.

"I made a point. I know exactly who we are facing. I put him in there. I fought him. I won. I will do it again. Whether you give me permission or not."

"That was a different time Perseus, that was right after you lost Annabeth. You were a different person. You were angry and broken and emotionless. In a way you were...," Chaos let it hang in the air as she stepped towards me. She was afraid to step between us in case she got caught with one of our wild blows.

"Stronger?" I asked her.

"Less vulnerable," she corrected.

"I will win again. I have to."

"Fine. But this one will be on your own," Order said behind her.

"I've always been on my own," I whispered to myself and flashed out.

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