Chapter Ten

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I stood on the top deck of my ship, staring out at the stars as Carson piloted the ship on an unknown course. I stood there and remembered just a few days ago when I had been standing in this same spot and had decided to help the campers, but now I'm at the point at which they could all burn. I became restless and started pacing the deck with my hands shoved into my pant pockets. I couldn't believe that Annabeth had gotten engaged after everything that they have been through, after everything that he has suffered to be with her. He had been sentenced to punishment for her murder, and now that she was alive she could have told me who it was so that I could get revenge or clear my name and return home. She inadvertently played a part in my suffering and I couldn't allow myself to forgive her for that. "Carson, please chart a course for the nearest uninhabited planet," I asked him politely yet quietly. I felt the ship shift and I could tell that Carson knew that it would be better for me to be left to my thoughts. I would create a ball of fire in my hand and then extinguish it repeatedly, trying to keep my mind off of what had transpired in the throne room. His words kept ringing in my head. They betrayed you, stabbed you in the back, pushed you over the ledge. I finally understood what he meant when he said that his own soldiers betrayed him. He put his trust and faith into those that he thought he could count on and he was rewarded with getting put into a windowless metal box for the rest of eternity.

"We are in orbit of the planet sir, would you like me to land?" Carson asked me through the announcement speaker.

"No, stay in orbit please," I told him as I walked to my room. I placed both sun and moon on the bed and told them that I needed to have some thoughts to myself to which they agreed and said that they would be here if needed. I flashed to the planet's surface and found myself standing on top of a barren land of dust and rock. I touched the ground and found the rock smooth as glass, indicating that water had once ran through the valley I was standing in. I looked up at the stars and saw all of the constellations in the night sky. The universe seemed so beautiful, but it was like an onion. The more you peel back its history and the more you get closer to the origin, the worse it smells. I snarled at the sky and punched the nearest rock, shattering it into tiny shards that fell to the ground in a shower of dust. I then turned and just shot fire all around me, melting the rock and turning it bright red. I then fell to my knees in the one solid part of the ground I was standing on and started to pound the ground, as though I was a child throwing a temper tantrum. The only difference was that as I slammed my fists on the ground, it shook and broke apart as if a massive earthquake was hitting it. I continued this until I felt a fist punch me in the side of the head sending me flailing across the ground until I came to a sliding stop, gouging out a good three feet deep trench for about twenty five yards. I looked up dizzily to see a figure looming over me, but due to me not being able to see clearly I couldn't make out who it was.

"You stupid, selfish, arrogant, self-serving egotistical prick! You're about to let a whole world collapse just because you got screwed over? What happened to being loyal to no fault, being the hero that every man, woman and child aspired to be? When did you forget that you were born and weaved into fate to fight wars and to save lives? You've never lost a war yet here you are giving one up! What gives you the damn right to decide who lives and who dies? So what your wife found another person in death, you were dead too! So what an old enemy now is married to her, but now he's an ally," I heard before I felt another punch to the jaw, causing me to slid across the ground perpendicular to where I had originally landed. "You're a gods damned fool Perseus Achilles Jackson!" I finally regained enough of my marbles to lift my head off of the ground and look at who my assailant was. To my surprise I saw galaxies staring back at me.

"Chaos?" I said tilting my head sideways in confusion.

"Yes me you ridiculous imbecile!"

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