Chapter Fourteen

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Third Person POV

The Greek and Roman camp was situated at the bottom of the original Mount Olympus in a valley that looked to be devoid of life. There was no grass or flowers growing in the rolling hills, only a brown dirt and dark rocks. The campers were all about to sit down and eat lunch, the Olympians included since they had no where else to be. A flash appeared right outside to pavilion and in walked in Chaos and Order with a serious look on their face. "Campers, Gods and other beings present," Order called to get everyone's attention. "We have an announcement to make." Everyone looked at the twins with their full attention, hope shining in their eyes.

"We have found Percy Jackson and he will be coming here soon to help with the strategizing and training for the war effort. I will say this though, he is not the same hero that he once was. I'd avoid angering him for he will not hesitate to put you in the infirmary. He can be a bit of an ass," Chaos explained to the present company. The gods looked at each other with a look of confusion.

"That's putting it mildly," Order commented under his breath, but anyone listening could hear it. After he spoke a flash of light hit the ground and out stepped Percy, Luke and Annabeth.

"What'd we miss," Percy grunted while walking over to a table and grabbing a plate, imagining his food and started eating when it appeared.

"We were just explaining your presence to the Gods and campers," Chaos said while gesturing to the pavilion in front of him.

"Cool," he said with his mouth full. He swallowed after a second to continue. "Training starts at four tomorrow morning, Gods and campers alike are expected to be there. And yes Ares, that includes you, you cocky son of a-," he said before he was cut off by Chaos.

"Lunch dismissed, Percy over here now," she said with a glare. He sighed and walked over to her with his food in his hands still and Annabeth and Luke right behind him. He went to go take another bite of his food when Chaos smacked it out of his hands. His hand flew to his dagger in his vambrace and put it to her throat in a quick flourish.

"Don't mess with my food. I haven't eaten in about forty-eight hours," he said with anger lacing his words. He took his knife away from her throat and walked away to grab another plate off of a table. He tossed the food that was already on it off and summoned some more food and began to eat again while staring Chaos right in the eyes.

"Be civil and don't be as much of an ass," she said before flashing out. Order followed her lead until it was only the three sitting in the dining pavilion.

"Go get rest and enjoy the rest of the day, you are included in training tomorrow," he told them without looking at them.

"But we've already been trained, hell we're the stronger two in the army," Luke said with pride.

"I kicked your ass in less than five minutes," he said while pointing at Luke. "And you," he said pointing at Annabeth, "I could've had you beaten in less. So if you two can miraculously best me by tomorrow then you have to train as well," he finished while licking his fingers and tossing the plate onto the table he was leaning up against.

"Fine," Luke said begrudgingly. They walked away, leaving Percy to his thoughts alone. He looked up and saw that the clouds were dark grey and thick, foreboding. He shook his head and walked through the camp, seeing makeshift tents and cabins scattered far enough for people to have privacy but also close enough that they could rally if the need be. He walked to the largest cabin there was, curious to see who was so special. He walked up to see the cabin was that of the hunters of Artemis. He shook his head again and walked up to the door and knocked three times. No one answered the door so he waited for about three minutes and knocked again. Again there was no answer. He lifted his foot and kicked down the door, only to be met with a cluster of arrows pointed at his face, Thalia's at the forefront.

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