Chapter Eleven

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I slammed the cup down as the burning amber colored booze slid down my throat. That was my eighth cup of whatever it is that the bartender was serving me, which if I were to say that it was strong it would be an understatement. I slid the cup over to the bartender and motion for him to pour another. He looked up and arched his unibrow at me before shrugging and pouring another. The dimly lit room rang with the music and clattering of feet as the night had progressed. The world I was on now was odd. Having a unibrow was actually an attractive thing here which was odd to me because on Earth it was considered unattractive. At the thought of Earth I shot back another cup of the booze, though oddly enough not out of disgust but out of habit. Disgust had disappeared with the rest of my emotions when Void had thrown them out of the window. While it wasn't the best of things, it was kind of nice to have a reprieve from all of the influences that emotions had.

A man bumped into me while dancing and I shoved him off of me so that I could have enough room to continue to drink. Another byproduct of the whole no emotions thing was that everything I did had a rational reasoning behind it. Normally while I was still mortal I was irrational but as I grew older in my immortality I had found that I became more rational, and this alleged curse must've sped up the process, not that I mind. Back to the situation, the man had turned around to look at me and sneer. I did nothing but turn my back to him and motioned for the bartender to bring me another drink, hoping that I might be able to drink myself drunk. Again something the curse must've taken from me again, but the bright side was no hangovers. I lift the stone cup up to my lips, about to take another sip when I get shoved and spill my drink all over the counter. I set the cup back down and I turned around to see who it was that shoved me. The man that I shoved off of me was standing there with a dark smirk on his face. He hands were balled into fists and he was showing clear signs of wanting to fight. Knowing that not fighting him would've angered him more I stood up and put my hands up into a boxing style stance. He swung at me and I didn't bother to block, I couldn't feel pain anyway. His fist caught my jaw and snapped my head to the side. I straighten up and again got in my stance. He swung again with a left hook aimed at my temple but before it could get there I hooked my arm over his and yanked up, dislocating his shoulder and probably tearing his rotator cuff (if their anatomy is anything like a human's). His head snapped up with a yell as I brought my hand down onto his exposed sternum and broke it. He crumpled to the ground and couldn't decide on whether to hold his shoulder or his chest. His buddies looked at him then at me. "You'll end up like him," was all I said before I sat down at the bar again and ordered another drink. The bartender handed it to me with a shaky hand, looking at the guy on the ground. I downed the last drink and set the cup back onto the counter and stood up. "How much do I owe you," I asked him with my hand in my pocket pulling out some gold coins.

"On the house," was all he said before heading to the opposite side of the bar to full someone's cup. I shrugged and walked out of the building and across the nighttime meadow over the hill. I looked up at the planets moons and sat down for a meditation, opening my senses to the universe. Since my mind had been cleared of all emotions then I could focus upon the being of the universe more and see what is going on. I first examined this planet and felt the people wander from house to house at night, settling in and preparing for a night's rest before another day of hard work tomorrow. Some drunkards were still in the bar drinking, getting ready to get cut off by the bartender so that he could clean up and close. The barmaids start to clear off the tables and the musicians start to pack up their instruments. The children lay in their straw beds sleeping and dreaming of the yellow skies of their world. I could sense a storm raining down on the opposite side of the planet, moving southeast but getting weaker.

I felt the planet's rotation around their sun and the moons' rotations around the planet. I could see the few other planets in their solar system, to which they were still ignorant of due to their less advanced civilization. My presence here is not noticed due to my native clothing and the fact that I just look like an ugly version of them (only ugly to them though). I could feel the essence of the galaxies of the universe all rotating each other in perfect harmony, crafted by the deft hand of Void. His presence is the only one that I do not feel, though he is the only being powerful enough to hide himself from my vision. I could feel the powerful beings of Earth. The power there was broiling and churning like that of a storm ready to rip across the planet. I could only imagine what the humans were seeing and whether or not the mist was holding up or not. I could feel Chaos and Order looking down on the planet from their castles on Duas. I could see the fear swirl around them, mixed with the sadness and anger at the being that was going to cause this war. The Gods were still in Olympus, but not in America but in their seats of power in Greece. The mountain that they stood on shook with the sheer power that they were trying to amass. The demigods stood guard on the bottom of the mountain in their newfound camp. The Amazons, the Hunters, Camp Half-Blood, Camp Jupiter, House of Wolves and even the Armies of Chaos and Order stood there with them prepared to fight off any who came near the camp. I looked over to Alaska to see that all of the monsters were gathering there, in the snow and ice, preparing to mobilize through Russia and southwest to Greece soon. The evil being that lead them was sitting in his throne, content with his position in this war and his advantage. He stood there and was smirking into the sky. He then looked directly at me. "Enjoy what you are seeing Perseus?"

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