Chapter 10. :D

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Kayla's POV

Getting up in the morning for school use to be a fun thing. I love to learn, listen to the teachers, do homework, but today I was not that girl. I want to crawl back in my bed and stay there forever.

Being the nerd I am I don want to ruin my perfect attendance. I reluctantly got up and got ready for school. I put on a dark grey hoodie and my northface jacket on top, some blue jeans and my navy blue toms. Yea, it was kind of a bummy day and a messy bun.

I headed down stairs where I was greeted by my mother. I told her good morning and grabbed a granola and a water for breakfast.

Every step to school was torture. What if I face my attacker, what if the school knows. I don't like attention on me.

Why, did I get up today. 20 minutes later I'm at my locker getting my books for class when my locker closed shut. I jumped and screamed.

"Hey, calm down its only me." It was Emily. I blew a breath of relief.

"Sorry, Emily you just startled me." I said as I picked up my books.

'Kayla, you look like hell what happened at the party you disappear on me."

Do I tell her the truth and tell her about Sam? What if she looks at me different? I don't think I'm ready?

"Nothing I just danced with Josh, then after a couple of songs I went outside for some air that's all." I She looked at me for a while and said.

"I told you he liked you. I'm always right!" Yes, she bought it. The bell went off and we headed to class. As I entered the classroom someone was sitting in the seat next to mine. Liam?

Liam's POV

So, today I actually got up to get ready for school. Me get ready for school please someone record this date, but its for her, Kayla.

I headed downstairs and I was headed out the door my phone rang. Who is calling me at 8:00 in the morning. I picked up the phone. "


"My son it's been a long time, don't you say?"

"How the fuck did you get my number?"

"I have my ways, listen I have a job for just like old times."

"You know I'm done with you and your jobs. So, stop calling ass-" I was cut off my his dark laughter.

"Don't threaten your father son. I can always come down and visit you and your mom."

"Stay the hell away from us you understand old man."

"I will just one more job and you will be free. I promise."

I contemplated for a minute, but I guess to get him out of my life I will do it.

"Fine I'll do it call me later for the details. I do have school you know."

"I knew you come around. Yeah, I will call later. Have a nice day son.

"Prick" and I hung up the phone. I despise my father, but I'll do that one request to have my life back.

Now, I missed my chance of asking Kayla if she needed a ride to school. That's ok I will see her in class later. The drive to school was less than 10 minutes. I parked my car and walked inside to my 1st class.

Today, I decided to sit in my old seat next to Kayla. 5 minutes later she came in and she looked surprise. She walked over, but I kept my eyes forward. The teacher walked in and started the lesson.

Kayla's POV

I was shocked to see him there. He was the one who told me to stay away from him and now he's sitting next to me I'm confused. I sat down anyways. He didn't look up or say anything. Then the teacher walked in.

"Ok, class its that time your first project for this class. I want you to choose a president and tell my their life, term as president, and accomplishments. I want a 4-5 page paper and tri-fold because you are going to present the main points of your paper to the class. You have a month so make them really good" The teacher explained. "Oh, and you pick your partners this time."

I was looking around the room for Emily as I was getting up. Liam grabbed my arm and pushed me back down. I was too stun to move I just looked at the spot he touched me at. I'm guessing we are partners. I looked at Emily , she just looked at me with a puzzle look. She shrugged her shoulders and found someone else. So, much for fighting for me.

Then Josh came over and before he can say anything Liam beat him to the punch. "She has a partner, back off." He almost growled.

"Yeah, I'm going to work with Liam." I skeptically told Josh.

For a moment Josh just stared between me and Liam, but he nodded and left. Leaving me confused with Liam.

"Ok, class get to work." The teacher said.

At the same time me and Liam turned and faced each other. We looked at each other just watching each others movements. I was feeling self conscious with him just staring then I started squirming and wandering if my hair was a mess.

"Stop, Kayla there is nothing wrong with you I just wanted to look at you that's all." Liam, told me as his green eyes were piercing holes in mine.

His comment made my face grow warm. The teacher was walking around the room to make sure we are doing our work. I tried to hurry and grab my pencil, but it fell off my desk. I leaned down to pick it up the floor, but I was slipping on the stool ready to fall off my, but Liam grabbed my wrist. I'm glad he saved me the embarrassment, but I had bruises from Sam, my attacker.

"Oww," I cringed and I tried to pull my long sleeve too late Liam saw the bruises. His eyes darken and I tried to hide it, but he pulled the sleeve up and saw the bruises.

Anger was an understatement and how Liam looked. He looked pissed, raged, like he was ready to kill. He kept clenching and unclenching his hands and his chest was rising up and down. In a low voice he asked me.

"Kayla, who did that to you." He said in a deadly voice. I was scared that I started shaking.

I guess me answering right away didn't help none either. He slammed his fist on the table earning some screams from a couple of girls and everyone Turing their heads to look at us.

Josh, was by my side in an instant. "Kayla, are you ok what's wrong?"

Liam, got out of his seat and pushed Josh away from me. "Get the fuck away from her! Did you put your hands on her?" Liam, screamed in Josh'a face.

"What, no what the hell are you talking about? I would never hurt Kayla!" Josh responded back.

Liam, eyed Josh to tell if he was lying. I guessed he knew he was the telling the truth. Next thing I know Liam gathered all of our things and he grabbed my hand and we were heard out of the classroom.

As I walked by I saw the teachers expression I guess he didn't want to stand up to the bad boy because he just let us leave.

Liam dragged me all the way outside to his black Camaro. He put our things in the back of the car and he placed me in the passengers seat and closed the door. Then he got in the drivers side. His breathing was still ragged.

He turned and looked at me and did something that surprised me he hugged me. I felt so nice and I was a little hesitant at first, but I needed this. I needed Liam.

We just sat there tangled in each others arms for the longest and then finally pulled away. He was smoothing my hair and caressed my cheeks. I closed my eyes enjoying the affection, but it was weird just last week he told me to stay away from him.

I snapped back to reality and I was becoming angry. He cannot play with my emotions like that I'm so fragile and weak now. I started shaking my head and backing up to my back hit the window. "Stop, stop, don't touch me. How can you come in my life and then push me away and then want to come back in. I'm not some toy Liam. I'm not some girl you just fuck and then toss to the side ok." All the while tears were falling down my face.

"Don't cry I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you Kayla." He told me as he was wiping the tears away. Tilting my chin up to look at him. I can see the sincerity and his eyes.

"I accept your apology Liam." I hear him breathe a sigh of relief.

When I thought I was clear about my bruises he turns to me and gives me a stern look.

"Kayla, I'm going to say this one time and one time only who gave you those bruises and don't you dare give me some bullshit excuse." I gulped I could tell I was not getting around this. I looked away and then back at him here goes nothing.

~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Hey what kind of job did do you think Liam did with his dad?

And the next chapters Liam is about to get ridiculously possessive.

Im on summer break from college. What a rough semester. Anywho I hoped you like it. I know it's not much, but I wanted to put something out there.




I'm out shushers <3

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