Chapter 8. Pour it up

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Kayla's POV

Well, its another boring Thursday and Liam has been ignoring me for almost a week. I tried to not let it phase me, but its failing miserably. I miss his smirk and I miss his presence even though we talked a few times I felt drawn to him. To top it all off he hasn't been to class this whole week and it really worried me. I tried to look out my window for him, but I remember he closed his window and I haven't seen his car either. Look at me caring about someone who doesn't even care about me.

"HELLOO," space cadet what are you day dreaming about? I know its the hot bad boy isn't it?" Emily said as she waved her hand in my face.

Right now we are outside eating lunch away from everybody just how we like it. "What no I was just thinking Emily, people can just think you know and its not always about Liam." I snapped.

"Ok, ok no need to get hostile. she said.

Truth was I was thinking about Liam, but lately my thoughts have been nothing but about Liam and I wish it would stop I don't think its healthy.

As we are sitting there one of the jocks on the football team Josh was walking towards us. He is really nice he doesn't act like a jerk like the rest of the team.

"Hi ladies I came over to invite you guys to my party this weekend. My parents are out of town and the school could use a party so what do you say are you ladies going to make it."

I was a bit skeptical, but Emily being the more outgoing of the two of us told him we were going. So, now I'm going to a party this weekend.

"Oh, and I cant wait to see you there Kayla," Josh said as he was leaving.

My cheeks grew warm and then once Josh was gone

Emily screamed, "OMG, WE ARE INVITED TO A COOL PARTY, and did you see the way he was looking at you he likes you!"

"Come on Emily, Josh doesn't like me his type is a dumb bimbo on the cheerleading team." I explained to her.

"Whatever, you say I saw the way he looked at you and I know he was checking you out."

I guess I should go to the party maybe it would get my mind off of Liam.

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Liam's POV

I haven't been to school all week and frankly I don't care, but I know sooner or later the school is going to call my mom.

So, at this moment I'm drinking with my buddies and enjoying this mini vacation from life. I havent been home lately because i heard my father was looking for me and my mom.

So, i decide to go look for him and see what he is up to. He lives 4 hours away and I go to his home, but as usaul he is drunk and passed out on the couch. I stayed for a couple of more days to make sure he stays put and I saw no threat and came home. My mom was not pleased, but she didnt punish me.

I really should go to school tomorrow i dont want to flunk highschoool to top off more of my shitty life. Its the next day and I really don't want to be in this hell hole.

I got to 1st period and remember i have history with Kayla and I sit next to her.

Hopefully, there is another seat i can sit at to avoid her. I walk in class and of course the only seat available is next to the dumb bimbo who interupted a conversation i was having when i first spoke to Kayla. Much to my dismay i go over and sit next to the dumb bimbo. I see the pained look on Kayla's face when i do, but i need her to know that we can no longer see each other.

I'm sitting there trying to get through the lesson, but the bimbo i think is named Bethany, Brittany some shit i dont care about. She keeps trying to talk to me and touch my arms and chest. It's pissing me off, but we only have 5 minutes left and the teaher lets us talk for the rest of the time.

"Hey, Liam are you going to Josh's party this weekend its suppose to be wild." the bimbo said as she was rubbing my arm.

I grab her wrist and tell her, "stop fucking touching me." Her eyes widen she lets go and faces the oppsite direction and starts talking to some girl.

I look over and i see some dude talking to Kayla.

Now, I'm irraitated and she is over there laughing and smiling.

Finally, the bell rings and as i was about to leave that dude Josh taps my shoulder and says, "Listen, I'm having a party at my place tomorrow be there music, drinks, and girls. Hope to see you there." he said as he walked away. I told him i'll try to make it. I make my way to my locker and i see Kayla and her friend talking i decide to easedrop. I hear her friend talk about that Josh dude.

"Ooo Kayla, Josh is so into you and i can't wait for the party you might get lucky."

I walked away before i heard Kayla's response and now I'm definitely going to that party.

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Kayla's POV

Saturday me and Emily are at the mall looking for an out fit for tonight. We go into Forever 21. I'm trying to get into this shopping, but the truth is I'm really not a party person or wears revealing dresses. I'm looking around I pick up a few things and try them nothing reallty caught my eye either it was too short or too ugly.

"Kayla, come on thats like the 5th dresss you have tried on. I found mine and the accessories to go with it." she complains to me.

"I'm sorry all of these dresses scream well idk SLUT. Maybe i shouldn't go I'm not into parties anyways." I say as I'm taking a dress.

"No, no,no,no you are not backing out besides Josh personally invited you and we are going to that party if you like or not." She huffed at me.

"Fine, but dont expect me to like it."

"Whatever try on this dress I think this is the one." as she hands me the dress. I go try it on its a black strapless dress and it's tight at the waist and flares out, but not too much and ist mid thigh. Pretty classy not too formal and and to casual just right for a party. Emily was right it was the perfect dress.

We go pay for our items and head home to relax and then get ready for the party. Emily takes a shower first and then I take a shower. By the time I'm done Emily is already with her and make-up. Her hair was in a messy bun with a few strands of hair coming down her face. She had a smokey eye and a bold red lipstick. it suited her very well.

"Ok, Kayla I'm going to do your hair and make-up. Don't worry you are in good hands." Emily was working on my hair and i was thinking about the party I hope I don't embarrass myself. 45 minutes later.

"You are all done you can look in the mirror now. as Emily finish putting on my lip gloss and turned me around to face the mirror. Wow, i look like a whole new person. My hair is down and she puts my hair in loose curls so it looks wavy. She did a natural look and a nude lip its perfect. She really did a great job.

"Thank You Emily." as I hugged her.

"Eh, no problem you look so hot by the way. Josh won't keep his hands off of you." I rolled my eyes at her comment. I just hope I have fun.

We are coming downstairs and my mom looks at us and ask "Where are you ladies going?" I told her to a party she said ok and dont party too hard. We are driving to Josh's house it's like 20 minutes away. We pull up to his house and ypu can feel the vibrations of the music before you even enter. Emily parks the car and we head inside already there are drunk teenagers and the music is blasting it looks like a normal highschool party and everbody seems to be enjoying themselves.

"Come on lets get a drink," Emily said as she dragged to me to the kitchen. She gets two beers and hands me one. I open it and start drinking and I hear.

"I didnt know you drank?" It was Josh.

"Well, you know its a party just doing what every other teenager does," I told him. He nods in agreement and asks me to dance. I nod shyly and we head to the dance floor. Rihanna's song Pour it up comes on and we start dancing at first we were distant, but as the song progresed we get closer and closer.

I feel like someone is watching us, but I shake off that feeling. His hands are on my waist and my arms are around his neck and are faces are inches apart.

OMG I think we are about to kiss. He leans in and I start to lean in too, but someone screams makes us jump apart.

Some girl fell off the couch after she decided to stand on it and dance, but she is so drunk she falls off and hurts her elbow.

Josh goes to help her since it's his house. I'm so flusterd after what just happen I go to the Kitchen to find Emily, but she is sucking some guys face so I just grab another drink and head to the backyard where it's more quiet.

I'm sitting in one of the chairs and the corner of my eye I see him. What do i do? Do I go back inside, no then he will know he's affecting me. I'll just go back inside I don't want to deal with the awkwardness. I get up slowly so I wont cause any attention to myself, but that was a bust because I trip over my own feet and fall on the grass thankfully, but my bottle shatters on the concrete making everybody look at me including him, Liam.

Now, he is staring right at me. We stare at each other for what it seems like an eternity. I'm the first one to tear my eyes away. I hurry and get up so I won't be embarass even more. I run inside and try to find the nearest bathroom. I go up the stairs and down a hallway and right before I go in someone grabs my arm and before i can scream they cover my mouth and shove me in the bathroom.

Somebody help me!




im out shushers <3

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