Chapter 5

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*The Next Day*

Sam's POV:

Ugh, I'm excited for mine and Ed's date today. And I - ... Oh Shit! I forgot to tell Ed what to wear. Damn so I grabbed my phone and called the number that Ed called me from.

"Yo?" Ed answered

"Ed, it's Sam, I forgot to tell you to wear something to swim in and bring some clothes to change into." I told him.

"Alright, thanks Sam, can't wait."

"See you soon, Ed"

"See ya, Sam."

We hung up. I was planning on taking Ed to the beach and then out to dinner. It's going to be amazing. After about five minutes of daydreaming I ran up stairs to go get ready. I threw on my blue swimming trunks that make my ass look fabulous. I put on a shirt and shoes that I thought went perfectly with my trunks. I also put a change of clothes in my car to wear to dinner.

I was ready with 15 minutes to spare. So I sat on the couch and waited for a knock on the door. 5 minutes later I heard the knock I had been waiting for. I jumped up from the couch and ran to answer the door. We greeted each other with a hug.

"Hey Ed, you ready to go?" I could smell his cologne.

"Yup. Let's go" He replied, his red hair was stick up in every direction possible.

We hopped in my car and i began driving towards the beach.

Ed's POV:

I arrived at Sam's place early. With hopes that being early might impress him. I knocked on the door, when he opened it, I wanted to smash his lips onto mine. But we hugged. Ugh. I just want us to be official already, i know it's early but maybe after this date we will be. I really hope so. We got in the car and drove off. The car ride was silent so I decided to turn on the radio and 'Thinking Out Loud' just happened to be on. Sam and I looked at each other and smiled. I rested my hand on his thigh and started singing along...

"Maybe we found love right where we are." Sam kept his eyes on the road and started blushing.

He kept on hand on the steering wheel and used his other hand to grab my hand that was rested on his thigh. Our fingers interlocked and our eyes met. Thank god we were at a stop sign. I took a chance and leaned in slowly to kiss him. I've been waiting for this moment for awhile. Sam seemed to have no problem with it and It wasn't a very long kiss because Sam had to let go of my hand and continue driving. It was our first real, intentional, kiss. And the date hasn't even really started yet.
The rest of the car ride I stared at Sam in awe.

We finally arrived at the beach. We grabbed some stuff out of the car and set it up on the sand near the water. I sat down and Sam got ready to swim. He took his shirt off, along with his shoes.

"You coming?" Sam asked.

"In a few minutes." I smiled, settling down on a towel on top of the sand.

Sam smiled "I don't think so." Sam took my shirt off, and my shoes. He picked me up and carried me into the water.

I laughed "Put me down Sam, people are staring."

"Who cares?" Sam, still carrying me, kissed me like no one else was there. And of course I kissed back. Twenty minutes into our first date and we're already making out. I heard a bunch of people say 'awe'. All of a sudden, Sam stopped kissing me, smiled, and then dropped me into the water.

I suddenly stood up and while trying to keep a straight face, "Really Sam?" I said.

He noticed me trying not to smile and tackled me back into the water. We swam for about an hour, and we were laughing pretty much the whole time. Every time we stopped laughing, we'd look at each other and start laughing again. We told each other stories and got to know each other a little bit. The date was going perfectly.

Sam's POV:

I wanted Ed to swim with me before we had to go to dinner. And when he said in a few minutes I was like no we're entering the water together. So I picked him up, brought him to the water, kissed him, then dropped him. After I dropped him... I could tell he was trying not to laugh. So I may have playfully tackled him back into the water. It was perfect. I couldn't imagine spending this day with anyone else besides Ed. He's such a great guy.

After we swam, we layed out in the sun for a few minutes to air dry a little bit. When we were drying, Ed looked like he had fallen asleep but it was just the way he had been laying. I couldn't help but notice his body. His abs were not perfectly chiseled but they were there. I loved the way his body glistened in the hot, afternoon sun. And his tattoos, oh how I love his tattoos. I walked over to him and gently grabbed his arms. He jumped.

"What are you doing?" Ed asked

"Exploring" I laughed, observing the colorful tattoos on his arms

I observed his arms, and asked him about every tattoo. He told me the story behind each one. He got to the puzzle pieces. "Each piece represents a close friend of mine. Each of them have a corresponding piece on their own arm."

"Why is there an empty spot?" I asked as I pointed to the missing puzzle piece on his arm.

"Oh that." he looked up at me. "You'll find out sooner or later."

"Okay?" I smiled.

It took about an hour to get through all of his tattoo's but it was worth it.
We both got up and walked back to the car. I drove us back to my house so we could shower and stuff before we go to dinner. I took a shower first while Ed sat on my bed and waited.

Ed's POV:

The date was going perfectly. Sam was very curious about my tattoos, so I told him where I got each one, what is meant, and why I got it. It took forever. The whole ride back we were gossiping about other celebs and stuff. It was juicy stuff.

So now I'm just sitting on Sam's bed, waiting for him to finish up in the shower so I can take one. Sam was just singing away in there. His voice is so beautiful. All of a sudden the water turns off. Seconds later Sam walks out with a towel around his waist.

"You can shower now" He said

"Okay, thanks" I replied

"Yup" I closed the door behind me. I turned on the water and got undressed.

*10 minutes later* Still Ed's POV:

Finally got out of the shower and got dressed in the bathroom. I was going to wear black skinny jeans and a white T-shirt, with a grey sweater. I was ready to go. I walked out of the bathroom and there was Sam on the couch, waiting for me with a giant smile on his face.

"You ready?" He asked, while checking me out

"Yuppers, let's go"

We went downstairs, Sam locked the front door behind us. We hopped in the car and drove off.
There ya go. Chapter 6 is coming soon, I just started writing it. But Chapter 6 is going to be a good one. I promise. But anyway, Thanks for reading. Love you all ♥ -Tiffany

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