Chapter 21

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Sam's POV:

When I opened the front door, Ed was on the couch sleeping. When I shut the door behind me, he woke up. The lights were off, the only light there was, was coming from the television.

"How'd it go at the studio?" He asked, sitting up on the couch.

I gave him a thumbs up and went upstairs. I threw my car keys on the bed and went into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, my lip was busted open, my nose had dry blood under it, and I had a bruise on my cheek. I washed up, and heard Ed walk up the stairs.

"Babe? Are you okay?" He called through the closed bathroom door.

"Never been better." I tried to sound happy but it wasn't working, my voice cracked, and I sighed.

The door opened and I looked at Ed. 


I suddenly lost my cool, I broke out into tears. Ed tried to comfort me by catching me in a warm embrace.

"Why me?" I sobbed while gripping onto him tighter, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"What? Babe, what happened?"

I pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes, "...Elvin, he r-raped me."

"What!?" I could hear the anger in his voice. "Your manager?!"

I flinched at his voice, and nodded to answer his question.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

I shook my head.

After him and I calmed down, o told him everything that happened and how I tried to fight back. All of this is just too much, I just need some times alone.

"You know what, I just need a break." I said

"From what?" Ed looked concerned, like he knew what was comming next. He put his hand on mine and squeezed it, lookin down at his lap.


"Including me?" Honestly, he looked like a lost puppy, his eyes sparkling from the tears that were forming.

"Unfortunately... Yes." I looked down. I knew he was upset, but so was I. I was hurting so bad, physically, emotionally, and mentally. But I have to do it, for me. I need time alone. Its not like we're going to be apart for good. "I just need to be alone, I need time to process everything and figure everything out."

" I understand."

I sat on the bed and watched as Ed packed up all of his things. After he finished, he walked over and kissed me on my forehead. A single tear slid down my cheek.

"Do me a favor and be careful." He whispered.

"I will."

"I love you, Sam."

"I love you too, Ed."

Ed grabbed his things and walked downstairs and out the front door. What the hell did I just do?" I went downstairs and got a bottle of wine and a glass. I sat on the couch and drank glass, after glass, after glass. Besides the fame, my life is complete shit. I took a break from my boyfriend when I needed him most, honestly I don't even know why I just fucking did that. I've been sexually assaulted and raped. I feel so worthless. What is life? I don't know what to do anymore. I can't go to the police, I can't have anything go public. I drank some more wine. I wanted to drink so much that I didn't have to think these horrible things anymore.

Ed's POV:

I drove to a close hotel and checked in. I got up to my room and bawled. After a few minutes I stopped crying and went back out to my car. I'm going to the police station to tell them that Sam was raped.

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