Chapter one: A Not-So-Perfect Start to Summer

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© 2012, xNiallHoran

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. 

Author's note: 

Hey everyone, I've just started writing a new fanfic called 'Summer with HIM?!' And it's clearly a Niall Fanfic, I really hope you all like it! Everything in this story is completely fiction (not real). Enjoyyy!

Chapter one: A Not-So-Perfect Start to Summer

      I planned on making this summer a good one.

     My mother was taking Liz, who is my younger sister, and I up to our shared beach house at Ryder's Bay. The idea seemed perfect. Complete serenity and I couldn't think of one aspect that could potentially ruin it. Beach; sunny mornings, sand, ocean, waking up to the sound of waves crashing against the shore. Yup. I could definitely see this as being a relaxing summer. We hadn't been in years and even though the memory should seem fazed right now, it wasn't. I remembered every single detail about that house and the surroundings. This summer, I could tell, was going to be perfect.

     But then again, like always, I spoke too soon.

     I shifted in my seat and adjusted my book in my lap - some romance novel about a girl, Annabel, who finds out her mortal enemy, George, has taken up a job in the same office as her - it's alright, I guess. I'm only a quarter in. I didn't really know how I noticed, but my eyes wandered up as my mother changed the radio station and it only took me a couple of seconds to realise the song that was midway through playing.

     "... Baby say yea-a-h! And let me kiss you!" And I swear, it felt like my ears were about to bleed.

     No, don't get me wrong. One Direction, they were okay in my books. I had nothing against the band; I had something against a specific member of the band. And before you begin to criticise me about being a 'hater', I have my reasons. But that didn't matter, I wasn't going to let him ruin my mindset for this summer. I was beginning this one on a clear stake.

     "Mum," I calmly spoke over the music and my sisters pitchy singing, "please change it."

     "No!" Liv shrieked, shielding the radio dock with her hands since she was sitting in the front seat. She looked back and eyed me intently, her brown eyes shooting daggers at me, watching my every move. For a thirteen year old, she sure didn't act her age. "Don't make us pay for your problems."

      I huffed, ignoring her last comment. Instead of retorting back, I started preparing myself for the long and agonising argument that I was about to have with my sister. It's not like she doesn't listen to their songs enough at home, she has to annoy me with it on the way to my glorious summer destination? No way. I wasn't going to let her have this.

     "Liv, I let you have the front seat." I tried reasoning. She just stared at me, standing her ground. I rolled my eyes, "Mum?"

     "Oh, I just wanna show you off to all of my friends. Make your name drool out of--"

     I recognised that voice for anywhere and immediately slammed my hands against my ears to make the voice stop from stabbing my hearing canal. Hmm.. This sounded so much better. My hands drained any sound of the music so I could no longer hear that irritatingly catching beat. My eyes wandered to my mother as I saw her give in and change the station.

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