Chapter three: Day Two & Someone New

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Dedicated to @Nargles who made the new cover for me! I'm absolutely in love with it and I recommend you follow her and check out her stories! :)

The picture on the right is the other cover she made >>>>>>>>>


Chapter three: Day Two & Someone New

     He watched me from the corner of his eye as I stood up and made my way over to the coffee machine. I felt his dark green eyes fixed on me. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy. I'd be able to forget about the past if he was willing to...

     I threw the book down on the coffee table in front of me. This was bullshit. No girl could ever forgive the guy that tormented her day in and day out so easily. And in a couple of days? No. Weeks? Still a no. Probably not ever. It was just too unrealistic.

     "Annabel," I spoke as I stared intently at the book on the table, "you need to set your priorities straight." I huffed and threw my head back.

     "Stop talking to yourself. It's weird." I heard Liv say as she walked past behind me. Oops.


     Day two of the beach house.

     I told myself, if I had been able to survive day one, then I could do anything. Dinner last night just consisted of small talk among our two families, though Niall and I never spoke a word to each other. I still couldn't believe how quick it took for my summer to get ruined. It was only a matter of time and I guess I should've known that something was bound to happen. But this? I mean, c'mon universe, you don't hate me that much, do you?

     Though that statement was soon to be tested out.

     "Mum, I'm thirteen now!" Liv's loud voice snapped me out of my thoughts. She, like any other day, was in the middle of an argument with our mother. They were behind me as I sat still on the lounge downstairs, hoping they didn't realise I was there. Because somehow, nine times out of ten, I would get dragged into their bickering.

     "Yes, thirteen, that is exactly why I say no." My mother answered her firmly.

     "Mum, please."

     "Olivia Harris." My mother used her full name - and she rarely ever uses her full name. I didn't know what was going on, but I sure as hell didn't want to be a part of it. Slowly, I lifted myself from the lounge and took small, soft footsteps towards the stairs. And just as I thought I had made it in the clear...

     "What if Ariel came with me?"

     I huffed and turned around. "Where am I going now?"

     "The boardwalk with me," Liv answered drily, "since I 'can't go alone'."

     She can't go alone? Since when is she not allowed to go to the boardwalk alone? She'd done it two years ago when she was eleven, and suddenly, she just simply ‘couldn't go’. That sounded odd. But either way, I immediately went upstairs to look presentable to leave the house - well, I would've gone out in my pyjamas but that’s not exactly socially accepted. I knew there was no point in debating and save myself the trouble and just go.

     I paced into my bedroom and changed into a loose white t-shirt and light blue cut-offs. I tied my hair back into a high ponytail and applied a very little layer of powder foundation and mascara. I haven't always been the kind of girl to wear makeup every day since I tend to do sports back home. Activities like swimming early in the morning before school or self-defence classes I'd take outside of town. Seeing as how makeup would be incredibly stupid to apply for those sports, I got used to wearing very little to no makeup at all. And I was fine with that. Even if other girls weren't...

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