Chapter five: Making Plans

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Chapter five: Making Plans

I couldn't help myself, a part of me wanted to make him jealous. No, I didn't like him, not after what happened between us and he said all those confronting things. There is no way I could've ever believe that I would forgive him. So I didn't think twice when I shamelessly flaunted off my new relationship with Adam in front of him. It was easy. Just have him drop me off at the office, hang off of him, kiss him, and enter the building alone. But I knew George was watching me, I always felt his eyes on me. As soon as I --

"AHH!" The ear piercing shriek filled the entire bathroom, and not to mention my ear canal, almost deafening me. My head snapped up from the book that I had saved from dropping into the bath and locked eyes with the mysterious intruder of my bath time. His eyes were wider than I have ever seen them and his mouth was almost hitting the floor. Large drips of sweat were forming on his forehead and upper lip and it seemed as if he was more shocked than I was, but that wasn't true.

"Niall!" I cried, "Didn't anyone teach you how to knock?!" As I questioned him I collected as many bubbles that floated above the water and tried to cover myself. He just stood there before me, gaping and completely absent minded. His eyes releasing themselves from mine and slowly making their way down and into the bathtub - though I was eighty six percent sure that I had entirely covered myself with the white foam I had fortunately decided to add. My heart was racing a million miles per minute and if he didn't leave within the next five seconds I was going to hit him. "What are you doing? Get out of here!" I added.

He snapped out of his little trance, closed his mouth and looked me dead in the eye.

"Sorry." He quickly mumbled and exited the bathroom as fast as he came charging in.

It was then that I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and the illness sit in the pit of my stomach. Bath time was officially ruined and I was no longer relaxed. It didn't surprise me that the person smart enough to do that was Niall Horan. No, that didn't surprise me at all. What did surprise me was the amount of stupidity that one person had to obtain to walk into a room with a closed door.

Slowly, I sat up in the bathtub and placed the book down on the bench beside it. I literally felt nauseous as I pulled the plug in the tub and began to dry myself. Whenever I had a bath or shower at the beach house, I'd always bring my next change of clothes - which happened to be my pyjamas right now - inside with me. So I got changed, tied my partially damp hair into a tight bun and made my way out of the bathroom and started heading back to my room.

It's funny how Niall can make me feel self conscious twice in just a couple of days. Twice in two days! I still had the rest of the summer here to spend with this guy. I mean, I wasn't exactly going to spend every second of every day with him, god no. Ugh, even just the thought of that made me feel sicker than I did two minutes ago. You know what else is funny? The fact that--

"Ooft!" The instinctive sound left my mouth from the impact of the animate object I just walked into. Taking a step back to recollect myself, I heard a thud on the ground and was definitely surprised to find that it wasn't me who was lying there with a mostly likely sore ass.

Out of habit, I reached a hand down to help the poor person I had just bulldozed on my way down the hall. I guess I had been thinking way too hard, like I always do, and wasn't focusing on what was ahead of me. A big firm hand took grip of mine, and the second they said, "thanks Air," was the same second I loosened my grip of their hand and kept walking to my room. Ignoring the second thud I heard as I made my way down the hall, I kept my head up high and entered my bedroom, slamming the door.

"What the hell, Ariel?" I heard Niall call, still down the hallway.

I wasn't in the mood for one second, so I just ignored him and a couple second later I heard his footsteps go past my door and carry on down the stairs of the beach house. Why didn't I do this before? Ignoring him seems to do the trick.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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