Chapter four: Old Friends

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I'm back! ** Please read the author's note at the end ** In the side is the boys' new video for The Besr Song Ever and it is, without a doubt, the funniest thing ever! :')

Chapter four: Old Friends

     Jason, was his name.

     Good old Jason Rabbit. I hadn't see him in years. Literally almost five years. Jason was a friend of Niall and I's when we were younger at the beach house. We'd meet up with him almost every day and play on the beach and walk up to the boardwalk - which sometimes included Liv, but she was always so much younger than us that she had made her own friends. So majority of the time, it was Jason, Niall and I: the three amigos.

     Well, I wouldn't exactly put it that way since Niall and I hated each others guts.

     The paragraph above was the picture from our mothers' perspective: all happy and rainbows, filled with sunshine. But the real version is actually very loosely tweaked.

     The truth was, Niall and I would fight over Jason all the time. Our mothers would send us all out to play, and after they left, chaos erupted. I'd grab Jason's hand and run off with him, but Niall would chase after us and make up some kind of excuse to have Jason to himself. Then we'd both end up fighting, pulling each others hair and poor confused Jason would stand to the side exhausted after trying to break us up. But that was only the half of my pre summer experiences.

     I had no idea how he even recognised me after all this time. But I wasn't going to lie, it was good seeing him again. He had aged, obviously, but he had aged really well.

     His hair was still a dark blonde colour and above his shoulders, all messy and shaggy. His eyes were still the greenest I've ever seen, and he was more tanned than ever. Jason lived around the area and looked like a typical surfer guy - which was very rare in England. Anyone could've sworn he was Australian, if it wasn't for his strong accent.

     "Ariel Jane Harris," He began, midway through our conversation, "I still can't believe it's you." He shook his head and grinned. His teeth were really straight and white.

     We were both sitting outside the ice cream parlour, opposite each other at a silver metal table. The sun was shining on us perfectly, and for the first time, in a long time, I was happy and, astonishingly, sociable.

     I smiled back at him, "I can't believe it's you." I exclaimed. I probably should've thought of something better than to repeat what he said to me, but I just felt a little nervous, in the sense that I had to say something funny or important or smart just to impress him.

     "I haven't seen you for forever!" He said to a surprise and licked his hazelnut flavoured ice cream.

     "It's been five years..." I stated, as if it wasn't such a big deal. I wouldn't have ever thought not seeing me for such a time would ever matter to anyone, to be honest. I mean, even if it was such a long time as five years.

     "Exactly: five years too long." He smiled lopsidedly with this small glint in his eye. I didn't know if he really had that glint since I'm always really bad at judging character, so it was a shock when I noticed it. Though he could've just gotten something in his eye and didn't bother wiping it. Yeah, that sounded more believable.

     I was about to answer him, when I glanced up from my ice cream and saw a familiar blonde headed girl striding through the boardwalk with multiple shopping bags hanging off her arms. On her face was an incredibly pleased expression as she pursed her lips and batted her eyelashes at oncoming boys.

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