Chapter 4

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(Dragoon here!  I got news!  I may or may not be doing a colab with a friend to make a fanfic.  We have to work something out first.  I'm so excited if this does work out!  It's gonna be a KevEdd one!  Ok so this chapter is short for two reasons.  I have to scrap chapter 5 for reasons.  I know at least half my fan base that has stuck around from the first book is absolutely pissed at me.  I just wanna hide in my room but sadly, I will be in school when you are reading this chapter!    If I can, I will post the next chapter with this one because I may be done it before I go to sleep, if not you have to wait till the next update... Sorry!  Ok so enjoy the chapter and don't go hunting me down, pretty please?)

Skye's POV

I woke up in blackness.  I reached up to stretch and my nails had brushed against fabric... Weird.  I started to feel around and found that I was in something.  I tried to call out but instead came pathetic weak coughs.  I heard mumbling on the other side as my ears twitched.  Seems like I was still in dragon/demon mode...

"Uh, help!  I can't see and would like to know what I'm in!" I called while moving around.  I rolled and was falling.  I heard a grunt as I stopped falling.

"This one is alive!  Ash, call your teacher friends since you are a teacher!" The voice called as I heard a zipper being pulled.  Light suddenly filled my vision and I had to shut my eyes at its harshness.    I placed my hand above my eyes to shield my eyes from the harsh light as I tried to open them again.

"Well, Skye.  You are alive!  When I found you, you were dead!  No pulse or what ever!  I was scared!  I know of so many people that would kill me if I left you for dead!  I'm glad you are alive." Mr. Ryans sighed.  The man I fell on, groaned as he glared at my teacher.

"Ash, you gonna help me up or goons let this kid stay on top of me, squishing me?" He asked.  Mr. Ryans chuckled as he looked at me.

"Skye couldn't squish anyone, even if he tried.  He is too nice and too light.  I see his father carry him around every now and again when I have to get stuff for home.  It's comical with him pointing at things like he was 5" he laughed.  I pouted at my teacher and that increased his laughing.  I quickly scrambled off of the guy and he got up.  My legs were still shaking so Mr. Ryans picked me up and put me on the stretcher. 

"You are going to the hospital so the doctors can watch over you for a few days.  I found you in a bad state Skye.  You need this.  I've already informed your father's about it.  They will meet you at the hospital." He said.  I just nodded.  I wasn't in the mood to ask the questions that were plaguing my mind.  I caught a whiff of a halfling near me and flinched.  I sniffed the air and the smell was coming from my teacher?! Why hadn't I smelt it before?

"I know how to mask my smell.  Why I knew it?  The look on your face.  Don't worry I already have a mate.  I'm not allowed to say who yet though Skye, sorry" he sighed.  I nodded and the gurney thingy started to move.  The guy I landed on was pushing it.  I laid back, relaxing a bit as he pushed me along.

Tony's POV (because I had this planned!)

I woke up to CPR?! What?  My nose was plugged by someone's fingers as a breath was blown into me, trying to revive me?  Ok so I'm confused.  Last thing I remember was walking down the hall!  I groaned as I slowly fluttered my eyes open.

"Daddy?!" I squeaked out.  I immediately flushed in embarrassment.  I haven't called my dad daddy since I was 5.  I was just a kid then.  My dad sat on the floor, hunched over with his palms pressed together on my chest.  His head snapped up to me and sighed.  Tears were streaming down his face as he saw me staring at him.

"You're alive!  My baby is alive!  John!  Tony is alive!" He cried.  I was puzzled.  I didn't di-

"You were dead!  No pulse!  The paramedics were here before I got out of the office.  I came here to pick you up early.  I was here for an hour, trying to convince the secretary to get you and stop flirting with me.  I head a thump and saw you on the floor.  The paramedics were here in seconds flat and tried to put you in a body bag because they knew you were a halfling.  I refused and they went to get the other person who died.  I tried to revive you and I luckily succeeded! 

Even if you treat us like trash, we will still love you.  I don't know what got into your head about gays but we will always be your fathers.  We will love you through thick and thin.  Remember that." He sighed, exhausted.  He plopped down and rested his arms on his knees.  I didn't know they still cared so much for me.  I just cause them grief...  I tried to make them hate me so many times.  Yet they still love me.  I was about to open my mouth when someone beat me to it.

"Grandpa?" Skye asked from somewhere.  I sat up and looked around, only to see the person himself on a gurney.  My dads looked at me with a scowl.  My jaw dropped.  I never even touched him yet!

"Ok since both you and me know I DIDN'T do it, who did?  Skye you have to tell me." I begged.  I have to know who hurt my family... Even if he isn't really family and I will never consider him one.  He looked away as his face flushed in embarrassment.  My parents looked shocked at me.  I shrugged.  I already protected him once today, why not more?

"Andrew" he barely said above a whisper.  That one word had my blood boiling for some reason.  The image of earlier flashed in my head.  I growled low in my throat and my parents looked shocked.

"Did he finish what he was trying to do earlier?" I asked, my whole body turned cold when he nodded.

"He raped you" I stated.  He nodded and looked ashamed.  I wanted to rush over there and hit him over the head for thinking that way... Wait.  Why am I doing this again?  I have no reason to do so plus I didn't want to help him.

"What?!" Someone roared as I heard stomping towards us.  I looked up just in time to see Mark storm in.  I sighed.  Over protective daddy number 2 is here.  Both Jack and Mark were over-protective of Skye.  I was the cause but still...

"Uh, hi dad.  Uh, so you heard Tony I guess?" Skye squeaked out.  Mark was livid.  He looked about to kill someone.  And this time it wasn't me! 

"Yes I did.  Now, explain everything to me young man" he calmly got out.  It was sickly calm, the tone of his voice.  I had the urge to throw up from hearing it.  Even so,  we all leaned in to hear what happened.

"Um. Let's see. Today we got some new kids. The guy had me cornered in the guys bathroom at lunch today and I was shocked when Tony had come to save me.  Andrew called me his toy... I don't know what he meant by it though.  I was heading to the class when someone pulled me into the janitors closet.  I was scared it was Tony because he didn't get his daily beating done but it was Andrew... He.. He.. He raped me while four guys held me down... I was saving myself for my mate!  But I had to be a freaking idiot and now look where that got me!  One of the guys said that he had to kill me because my mate is a asshole.  How does he know that anyways?  He stomped on my chest, right where my heart rests and I blacked out.  I woke up in a body bag" he explained.  I wonder who Skye's mate is?  We were told we were going to the hospital for a couple of days for observation and and we should be released the day of my birthday.  Well that is a great birthday gift, I guess?

Only if I had pieced it together before hand, instead of ignoring that we both died and got revived at the same time, that he was my mate instead.  My mind wouldn't allow me that and this lead to a lot of confusions.

(Yeah, not gonna do a double update.  1am right now and in six hours I have to be at school... This sucks!  Last paragraph is foreshadowing of course.  Tony's POV won't be until chapter 6 though.  This is the last time for a bit I guess.  Next chapter though, my baby has his life turned around!  I swear his life will be getting better!  To clear something up, Natalie does not know about what Andrew did.  She is innocent.  Andrew is a dickwad... Ok so see you soon!)

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