Chapter 7

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(Dragoon here!  If you see random words in this A/N before the chapter, it's for my art proposal.  I'm making sure I can spell because when I'm in school, my English leaves me.  It sucks.  Let the random words commence! If you can guess what I'm doing, you get bonus points!  Cultures Native Americans Ancient Egyptians Nations appreciate totem pole specific focuses inspired fantasized dynastic hieroglyphics.  Sorry for no commas but I was using spell check/auto correct because it can be a beautiful thing some times! Enjoy the chapter!)

Skye's POV
Thinking you will be killed by your own mate is scary. Tony really surprised me in. Talking to me instead of strangling me.  When Jack took us to my favourite restaurant, I was shocked but I saw the knowing look in Ashton's eyes.  I will have to thank him later.  Ashton wouldn't quit staring at Tony with pure hate so I decided to play around with Ashton.  Tony got so embarrassed, it was so cute! Everything made sense when Tony showed me the text he sent my parents. I think I'm actually falling for him.  Just how am I gonna deal with his possessive streak?  I will find out soon I guess.  I also wonder how Mr. Ryans knows all about my family, I never told him about them.

Tony's POV
If looks could kill, I would've been 6 feet deep before the restaurant. By the end of it, I would of been burning in the earth's core.  I swear Ashton will kill me one day and that one day I'm not looking forward to it...

We pulled up to my house first for some reason.  Jack turned off the car and got out.  I looked at him quiz like until Skye got out also.  I followed him into my house and into the kitchen, where my parents were almost always there.  Skye stopped abruptly and I bumped into his back, taking a few steps back to regain balance.

5 sets of eyes stared at me expectedly.  I shifted weight between both my feet as I took a deep breath.  That deep breath was Interrupted by a pair of soft lips though.  Grace was the first to gasp.  I heard a thump and guessed it was Jess.  She was always weak to this kind of affection...

Skye pulled away, grinning at my family members.  Mark looked close to strangling the both of us while my parents had a smug look on their faces....  I rose an eyebrow at them as they shrugged.  They know something don't they?

"Guys, this is my mate, Skye." I said.  That smug look deepened and I really started to question it.

"Your dad and I know already Tony. I drove him back home yesterday.  I do have one thing to say though, I'm sorry.  I'm sorry for letting you go to that hell house and get brainwashed.  I should of done some research on them before agreeing.  I know Mark blames himself but it wasn't his fault.  I was too stupid." My dad said.  I started to shake my head furiously. 

"It's in the past now.  Let's forget about it and live life now.  Wait, where is Link?" I asked, looking around for the youngest of the Malt's. 

"I found fishies! Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.  What do you do? You swim, fishies!" He exclaimed, folding out a goldfish, playing with the little cracker before popping it in his mouth.  He smiled at us and Skye sighed. 

"Why are you eating grandpa's food, Link?  You just ate!" Skye asked.  Link just gave him a grin.

"I was looking for Ice Cream!" He proudly beamed.  I swear that kid could eat a mountain of Ice Cream and stay as skinny as he is!  He never gains weight!  I glanced at  the others and saw they were trying to not laugh. 

"It reminds me of when you guys were younger.  But you four weren't obsessed with Ice Cream..." Dad sighed.  Mark started blushing as Jack smirked at him.  I wonder what they are thinking?

"Um, not to be rude here grandpa but can I talk with Tony in his room alone?" Skye asked, blush covering his face.  His neck was red too.  Mark eyes shifted from Skye to me and gave me an apologetic look.  What is that for?  My parents nodded and Skye pulled me to my room as Ashton glared at me again.  Yep I can say I'm a dead man when ever he can figure out how to kill me.

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