Chapter 10

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Unknown POV (no one knows who this is... Hell, I haven't made a name for this guy yet!)

How dare he?! He stole him away from me! I've loved him since I laid eyes on him! He just had to sweep in and steal him from me! I've been in the background, under everyone's noses. Anthony will pay for stealing Skye from me!

True both of them may of not know me or heard of me because I was the invisible person that no one cared for or got to know. Ever since Skye asked me if I was all right in grade 9 I've fallen for him. If I can't have him, no one can. And I will take Anthony with me.

He doesn't deserve him. He's just a jackass that will break his poor heart. Skye deserves tender love that only I can give. Why would Skye go out with the fucker that has been bullying him for years?! I know that Anthony has been bullying him way before I met him. Yet he's with him? That doesn't make sense! A human like Anthony doesn't deserve to be with the angel like Skye. I do though! And I intend to make him see that the right choice is me!

Skye, the name that everyone in school knows. Not only because of Anthony but because of how nice he is. He is like the school mascot because everyone loves him. But because of Anthony, everyone steals clear of poor Skye. I know people could see their hook up miles away but I refused to because Skye is mine, MINE I tell you!

That's why I'm now standing in the doorway of the Malt residence standing over Skye as he is on the ground in pain. I stabbed his side so I don't puncture his stomach and he dies. This is just a warning for Anthony to stay away from my Skye.

Why I know where he lives you ask? Simple. I followed him home for a week, even though my house is in the opposite direction. I want to know everything about Skye. It's simple as that.

Today I saw Anthony hanging over Skye so I devised a plan. I would simply go home during lunch and take one of my moms pocket knives and follow Skye home and stab him or Anthony. Which ever one answers the door. If it's Skye though, I wouldn't stab him that bad. If it was Anthony, I will kill him. That will teach him for a asking away what's mine!

Right now Anthony is running towards Skye while his dads whom adopted him are freaking out. Two young kids that look exactly like them are crying. Looks like the husbands cheated on each other to get the kids. So who the hell is faithful anymore? Oh wait, me that's who.

"Who are you and why did you stab my son?" The blonde man asked me. The blue haired man looked equitably pissed but not a sound left his mouth. Hmmm mute?

"Simple, he's mine. This is just a warning of who he actually belongs to. Anthony is a jackass that doesn't deserve the Angel that we know as Skye. I was hoping he would answer the door so I could kill him. That reminds me, move and I won't hesitate to kill you all" I replied seriously. Anthony glared at me but stopped where he was, which was right at Skye's side. He was actually kneeling down.

"Don't hurt my brother or my son. Or else you really want to be the next one to meet my fist" the blonde threatened. Hmm interesting. This man is the older brother of Anthony. I didn't know he had siblings! Skye groaned and shifted. I saw this and moved to go next to him. What I wasn't expecting was him to glow though.

"Baby? What's wrong? Please answer me Skye?" Anthony pleaded. The two adults looked concerned before an emotion flashed through the blue haired man's eyes. His husband looked at him shocked before tearing gaze back to Skye.

"Won't that kill him Jacky? I don't want to loose our son and my brother!" What the hell is happening? That's my question. The bright glow that Skye produced now turned a sinister black. Skye screamed and Anthony was soothing him, telling him he will make it out alive. He shot a worried glance to the man named Jack and his brother before picking him up and hugging him. That is my job!

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