Chapter 3 ( Happy b- day bro)

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It's been a long time Zendaya and Trevor time Zendaya and Trevor talked but its Trevor birthday today and that means Zendaya will at least talk to him or see him.

Trevor's P.O.V
Trevor woke up happy to see his room covered with balloons. Today is the day he is 18 and that he was closer to an adult. Trevor also thought of Zendaya and her not answering the questions after he told her everything he loved about her but all she would do is not answer like she did before. So Trevor thought of flying to Chagio to surprise her for her birthday. Trevor was looking on the interent for tickets when he got a call from Zendaya.

He picked up his phone trying to calm down so he could see what she wants." Hey Trevor happy birthday" Zendaya said . " Hey Zendaya thanks " said Trevor. "So how's you're birthday going ? " said Zendaya. "Its great now that you called me" Trevor said. "Boy you're a trip well I know about the questions " said Zendaya smiling. " If its not good then I don't wanna hear it cause today is my day " said Trevor. " I know but don't get you're hopes up yet Trevor. I really like digg you bit I don't now's know is the right time for a boyfriend Trevor and you know that " Zendaya said. Trevor just smiled because he didn't know that she felt like he did for her. " I know Zendaya but when its time ?" said Trevor. " I don't know Trevor but I'm very busy Zendaya said." What's the other half ?" Trevor questioned while smiling." I was kinda of scared to tell you know I how felt and still think about also I have my dad to worry about Zendaya said."you like me right " Trevor said " You're right and I do " said Zendaya. Now that you've told me I fell a lot more it " said Trevor."Good I told and I really miss you like crazy and its not even funny Trevor " Zendaya said." " I know I miss you like crazy . But that's why I gotta a surprise for you." Trevor said . " What is it!!" Zendaya said excited." I can't tell you thats why its a screat Miss Zendaya." Trevor laughed ._" Well okay fine I don't wanna know said Zendaya.' Sure you did ?" Trevor laughed ."Whatever Trevor said Zendaya" fiipling the middle finger. " Oh ight I got u Zen don't worry. " Sure you do so what you doing on you're birthday "said Zendaya." Idk know , but I could just talk to you all day and see that pretty smile " Trevor said smiling. " well I'm surprised I tough you well say I'm gonna turn up with Diggy and them and plus I have to go shoot some more stuff we close to a finish " Zendaya said.". " Nah I know but you come first no matter what oh yeah how is Dejah doing " Trevor questioned." Idk I haven talk to her in a long time and stop making me blush " said Zendaya still blushing." Oh good and wait let me guess you still blushing " Trevor said". Yes " Zendaya. " I love it when you blush so what time you have to on set ." 1:00 o' clock and that's not good , what if my dad saw me blushing like that Zendaya said." I don't know its 1:50 Zen " Trevor said ." " Whoops I just don't want to stop taling to you Trevor laughed. " Later punk " I all talk to you later " Zendaya said." " Later Bae talk to you later " Trevor said then they hung up the phone

Zendaya P.O.V
Did he just call me Bae ? she questioned this boy need to stop Zendaya was intteeupted by her daydreaming by her dad the last person she wanted to see. " Why are you blushing a lot ?" Kazembe said. "Ohh nothing " Zendaya said geetting from her bed and went to change. After she went to changed Zendaya went to the car to go on set and wrapped the final scene. Zendaya mom drove her there. After hours of filiming she decide, to go look for a birthday gift for Trevor. " Hey mom can we go look for a birthday gift for Trevor birthday" Zendaya asked". Sure Z but we can't spend that much money " Claire replied. " Alright mom , I was thinking about getting that new 7s that just came out. " I think sneakers would be nice but remember don't spend to much money? " Clarie said approaching the shoe store " Yeah yeah I know Zendaya said." Zendaya got out the car and wen to the shoe store and she found the 7s and she asked for Trevor size he got some big ass feet and the guy that works there gave it to me and it only coast $ 200. She come out the sgie store I hope Trvor likes it if he don't I'm well bet he's ass I spend money on that. Zendaya got in the car and showed the shoes to her mom. She exanied the shoes and said " He'll love it Zendaya said." I know he's swag mom Zendaya said smiling. " Yeah sure I did Zendaya said her mom pulled out of the spot and head to the hotel.

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