When he's jealous of someone in the gang

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Ponyboy: when he saw you laughing with Two-Bit he got jealous. He wished that it would be him making you laugh your beautiful laugh like that. He'd go to his room and lock himself in there, drawing pictures of you, until you'd go home.

Johnny: he saw you sitting on the porch with Ponyboy, watching the sunset and talking about how beautiful it was. Johnny wished that it would be him sitting that close and saying that you were as beautiful as the sunset.

Soda: when he was working down at the DX he'd be working on a car when he saw you talking to Steve and leaving against the car he was working on. He'd wish that he had the nerve to say something but he couldn't do that to his best friend.

Dally: he'd be walking down the street around the same time that Steve would be walking you home from the DX. Steve would have his arm around your shoulders and you'd have your arm around his waist. You did this so the Socs and other greasers knew that you were off limits. But Dally didn't know that. He did everything in his power not to walk over there and jump Steve for touching you like that.

Two-Bit: he'd be watching Mickey Mouse when you were in the kitchen making a cake with Darry. He'd look around the corner and see that Darry had his hands on yours and was helping you stir the cake batter. He'd wish that it was him helping you and then kissing the frosting off your face when he'd dab it on your nose.

Steve: you'd be at Buck's sitting on Dally's lap, drinking a beer while Steve would be leaned up against the bar watching you two. He wanted so badly for you to sit in his lap so he could hold you close to him and whisper sweet nothings in his ear.

Darry: you were a little older than Soda but you still worked down at the DX with him full time. You'd come walking in the house with Soda on your tail and you'd walk into the kitchen to grab a glass of chocolate milk. You'd say hi to Pony and ruffle his hair but you'd completely ignore Darry and he'd wish he had the nerve to talk to you.
Hi guys! I'm still here. I'm trying to focus on my school work so I don't have very much time to be writing. But I'm not going to stop. I'll probably take one or two requests for imagines on the weekends when I can. I'll let you know when that is.

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