When you're insecure

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Ponyboy: you were always insecure that the other girls were trying out new adult things with their boyfriends and you and Ponyboy would just sit in the room and study. You were uncomfortable with the things these girls were doing, but it made you feel bad that you weren't doing them. It made you feel like you weren't good enough for Pony, he could be off with one of those girls. One night when you were at Pony's house studying you told them how you felt. Pony's cheeks burned a deep scarlet as he pulled you into his chest, caressing your hair. "Y/N you shouldn't feel bad about that. I love you just the way you are. I'm never leaving you. I promise."

Johnny: you were insecure about how you dressed. Everyone around you was wearing designer clothes- even the greaser girls were wearing prettier clothes- and you were just wearing the t-shirts and ripped jeans you grabbed before your parents kicked you out of the house. Johnny could always tell when you were upset and he'd pull you in for a soft but passionate kiss. Then he'd tell you, "Don't ever change Y/N. I love you for who you are. You're the most beautiful girl in the world."

Sodapop: you woulda feel insecure about how pretty you were. You were the type of girl that kept your clothes at a decent length and didn't wear a lot of makeup. One day, a group of the "pretty girls" walked in the DX and instantly started flirting with Soda. Angered, you ran outside and leaned against the wall with tears streaming down your face. "What're you doing out here Y/N?" Soda asked uncertainly. You explained the situation to him and he knelt next to you. He dug in his pocket a bit before pulling out a little box. "Y/N.. This is a promise ring. And this ring is going to symbolize my promise to marry you one day and that you're beautiful just the way you are."

Steve: you were insecure about your height. Even though you were a couple inches shorter than Steve, he'd have to practically pick you up in order to kiss you. You started to feel bad that he had to do this so you told him. He chuckled a bit. "Y/N I like having ya that close to me. I don't care if I have to pick you up and carry you all of the time. You're perfect to me."

Dally: you'd always feel insecure about your body. Anytime you stood next to the girls at Buck's you felt like you were fat and weren't pretty enough. Dally would be happier with a beautiful girl. One night, you and Dally were sitting up in his room talking and you told him how you felt. He chuckled and shook his head. "Y/N, if I wanted a beautiful girl and I got one. Your body's perfect babe. Don't let anyone tell you anything else alright?"

Two-Bit: you were insecure about your smile. You always felt that your smile wasn't perfect like the other girls' smiles. You'd never smile- exposing your teeth- about anything. This was hard with a boyfriend like Two-Bit because he was always trying to make you laugh. One day he asked you why you never smiled and you told him. He pecked your lips. "Y/N, I think you have a beautiful smile. You're beautiful Minnie. Trust me."

Darry: you were insecure about your weight. All your life you were skinny and recently you had gained around five pounds. One night while you were at the dinner table Darry brought over some cake for the gang to eat. You never turned down Darry's cake but this time it made you sick to even think about it. Two-Bit looked over at you. "What's the matter Y/N? You never turn down Darry's cake! It's why you're as big as a barn!" Normally you'd laugh at his joke because you knew he was playing but this time you didn't. He went way too far. For the first time, the Curtis house went silent. You stood up out of your chair and ran outside, the door slamming behind you. You sat down on the side of the house and cried as you heard yelling coming from inside the house. Moments later Darry walked out and sat down beside you. "Y/N what's wrong?" You told him how you felt and when you finished, he cupped your cheeks and kissed you softly. "You're not fat doll. You're beautiful. Okay? Don't feel bad because you don't look like those girls in the magazines. That's all fixed anyways.

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