Jordan's POV**Alarm ringing**
**Alarm ringing**
I wake up, get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I come out the bathroom after I'd brushed my teeth, washed my face, and you know, peed. Then I came to a realization that today was the last day of school.
I walked over to my closet with a huge grin and took out a pair of jeans. They were light pink and a black shirt that said love pink in light pink letters.
I walked to my desk and slipped on my dusty black flats."Mommmmm I need new shoes! " I yelled down the hallway.
"I'll look into getting you a new pair of shoes sometime this week!" My mom yelled back down the hallway.
My grin grew bigger as she was talking. New shoes. Last day of school. Pool party next week. Everything is perfect right about now. Since my hair is really curly I just got a brush, wet it and brushed my hair back into a ponytail. After that, I grabbed my book bag from my desk chair and headed out my room. I ran down the steps and walked into the kitchen, I grabbed an orange and headed out the front door. As I was waiting in front of my house for the school bus to come, my neighbor came out and stood a couple feet next to me. After about 3 minutes of waiting the bus arrived. Me and my neighbor, Grace got on the bus and parted ways. I walked down the aisle to the back of the bus and sat alone. As the bus driver started driving, I started listening one of my favorite songs, 7/11 by the queen herself, BEYONCÉ.
As we arrived to school, I got up and walked down the aisle but suddenly fell. James, a huge jerk, tripped me. I got up and noticed everyone laughing at me except Grace. She had worry all in her eyes but said nothing. Embarrassment took over my body. I Ran off the bus and darted right through the buildings double doors until I got to my first period class. Once I was in class, I caught my breathe. I looked around and caught a glimpse of my friends who had already been watching me get myself together. I skipped over to them and greeted them,"Hey Cathy, hey Morgan." They simply laughed and gave me a huge hug.
When our teacher came in he told everyone to take a seat.
"So as we all know today is the last day of the school year" Mr.Williams said.
"Yeah we know" the class said at the same time.
"Okay so i'm going let y'all have a free period to do whatever as long as it's not too loud. Just stay in this classroom and don't break anything, please" Mr.Williams said making sure he stretched the word please.
"Okay" the class responded with a few giggles from around the room.
Me and Cathy were playing hand games and Morgan was stuck in her phone. The rest of the class was wrestling, singing, and talking really loud.
By lunch time me, Cathy, Morgan, and my other two guy friends, Max and Chris all sat at the lunch table. While we were eating our pizza and french fries, we talked about our last day in 9th grade and was hoping we would have some of the same classes together next school year. Me and Max went to grade school together so we've always had the same classes but I just met Cathy, Morgan, and Chris this year and we all got really close. After we all got done eating, we went to throw our trash away. After that, everyone started to walk back to their lockers and by this time it's 12:30. School dismissed in 2 more hours which was great because I was so ready for summer vacation. I had so many things planned.
As we walked, me and Max were talking about what we wanted to do this summer while the others were just on their phones. Morgan had left to go to her locker on the other side of the building.
Meanwhile, me and Max decided to go swimming next weekend with Cathy, Chris, Morgan and our other two friends who didn't have our lunch, Ricky and Julia. Cathy and Chris and I texted Morgan, Ricky, and Julia about going swimming and they all agreed. Me and Chris had the next period together so we walked to class and left Max by his locker.
2 Hours Later
Mrs. Rodriguez POV"Alright class you are all dismissed. Have a great summer everyone." I said to all my annoying students.
"Same to you" Justin and Rico said.
"Have a amazing summer Mrs.Rodriguez!" Sara said.
"Stay cool" Liz said.
"Yeah whatever y'all stress me out" I said making everyone laugh.
Jordan's POV
By this time the rest of the class darted out to the hallways and broke out into a musical. I'm kidding I'm kidding but that would be cool.
"CATHY!" "CATHY!" wait up I screamed across the hallway.
"Sorry I have to go, my dad is waiting for me out front" Cathy said.
"Alright, but first don't forget we're going to meet up at my place next Tuesday at 2:00pm sharp, got it?" I said frowning my eyebrows.
"Okay" Cathy said as she ran out the doors and over to her dad.
Ricky Came out the building with Julia following behind him. They let me know that they got my text and I told them to meet up at my house next Tuesday, they simply nodded and smiled as they made their way to their Uber. I waved at Morgan, Chris, and Max who were next to the bus. I headed OVER to the bus. I sat down in the back with my earphones In as always. I started listening to Bad blood by Taylor Swift and started to eat my orange. When the bus arrived to my house, me and Grace got off. We don't talk to each other at all . We've been neighbor's for as long as I can remember but haven't talked since we we stopped being friends back in elementary school. I missed our old bond but I guess we just grew apart. I walked into my house and sat my book bag down and told my mom how my day went and that me and my friends were going to have a pool party here next weekend. After that, I went up to my room and hopped on Instagram for a little while. I ended up laying down and dozing off without taking my flats off.
AUTHORS NOTE // Heyyyyyy Lol! I hoped everyone enjoyed the first chapter. I wanted to introduce some of the characters and a simple story line. Anyways Vote and leave Comments about what you guys thought about it. I think 1000+ Words is good for my first chapter. Okay I'm rambling now lmao .. Talk to you guys next chapter!
Word count : 1181
XOXO - Ro ❤️

The Unpredicted Summer || ✔️
Roman pour AdolescentsJordan has been kidnapped. She's not alone but thats how she feels. She goes through obstacles trying to find a way back home. Trapped, feeling like there's no way out, will she survive? Or will she crack under pressure? _____ "This might be my las...