The Meet Up

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Chapter 6 -

Jordan's POV

I wiped the crust out of my eyes. I grabbed my phone and saw missed calls from Max and Cathy. There was also a few messages from Chris, Ricky, and Morgan.

June 13th 2017 10:26 AM
MORGAN - Hey J! Is everyone still coming to your place to swim?

June 13th 2017 10:31 AM
MORGAN - Ugh! Your still asleep aren't you? HMU when you see this.

I chuckled at Morgan's messages and texted her back.

June 13th 2017 11:27 AM
JORDAN - Lmao hey Morg you know me so well! And yes everyone is still coming to my place around 1 PM.

I swiped over to open Chris's message.

June 13th 2017 10:53 AM
CHRIS - Morning Jordan :) I'll be there around 1 PM alright?

June 13th 2027 11:29 AM
JORDAN - Goodmorning Chris :) sounds good to me.

I then swiped over for the last time to see Ricky's message.

June 13th 2017 11:02 AM
RICKY - Wassup Simba lol. Me and Julia are coming a little after 1 if that's alright with you.

I laughed at the nickname and replied.

June 13th 2027 11:33 AM
JORDAN - HAHA Very funny, NOT! Isn't my fault my hair is so big. Anyways yeah that's alright with me. Just park on the side of the house and come through the back.

I hit send then locked my phone. I climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up. I then went over to my closet and dug for my bathing suit that I bought a few weeks ago. It was a black and white striped one piece with Mickey Mouse in the front. Yeah it may sound a little childish but it was cute in my opinion. I slipped it and and through on some black boy shorts so it could be more appropriate. I slipped on my white slides and headed downstairs. My mom and dad went on a business trip earlier that morning so I had the house to myself. I walked into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of Apple Jacks. As I finished, I washed my bowl out and went over to the tv. I turned on pandora and turned to Justin Bieber's station. "Cold water" started playing and I couldn't help but dance around. I went out back and set up the tables with drinks and snacks. It was very hot outside so I decided not to turn on the pool warmer. I unlocked the gate so everyone could come in through the back. I didn't want anyone coming through the house since my parents weren't home. I looked up at the clock in the dining room and saw that it was now 12:34. The setting up process took a while I guess. I bought the radio out back and connected my phone to the Bluetooth. I turned on the hottest 2017 hits on YouTube. Hmmm what else could I do while I wait? Oh yea! I have to clean the bathroom. I went upstairs and turned into the bathroom. I grabbed some cleaning utensils and went on from there. I wanted my friends to be as comfortable as possible while they were here. By the time all that was done, it was 1:12. I had just received a text from Chris.

June 13th 2017 1:13 PM
CHRIS - Hey me, Morgan, and Cathy are knocking. Can you come let us in?

June 13th 2017 1:14 PM
JORDAN - My bad, I was cleaning. Come around back, I already unlocked the door for y'all.

I rushed downstairs a went out back. I saw that Cathy went right for the snacks while Morgan decided to disconnect my phone and connect hers.

"Hey cuties" I shouted making both Cathy and Morgan laugh.

"Hey girly, your bathing suit is adorable" Morgan said dancing around to Cardi B's song.

"Thanks, yours is very pretty" I said as she nodded with a smile.

"Where's Chris? He texted me and said all of y'all was out here."

As soon as I said that, Chris jumped out at from behind the gate.

"Ahhh" I screamed. My scream suddenly turned into a laugh.

"Hey Jordan! Who's ready to par-tay" Chris said in a funny voice.

He jumped into the pool. "CANNONBALL" He yelled out as some water hit my feet.

"Ooo, ooo, me next!" Cathy said jumping in.

"You know your supposed to wait to get in the pool after you eat right?" Morgan said.

"Who cares!? jump in girl" Cathy said. That's exactly what Morgan did.

"Well don't have too much fun without me" I said stepping into the pool like I had some sense left.

We splashed around for about 5 minutes until our attention turned to the gate when we saw Ricky and Julia walk in.

"Hey guys, we heard the music so we just came around back" Julia said slipping out of her jeans.

As soon as she said that Max came walking in with a bright smile.

"Wassup everybody!? What I miss?" said Max.

"Nothing really bro Just hop in" Chris yelled from the other side of the pool.

By this time, everybody was in the pool swimming around, having fun, singing, and playing games in the water. After about an hour, we got out to eat some snacks and dance outside the pool. We sat around the table and talked about our next meet up. We planned on meeting at Morgan's house and then going to the movies afterwards. I got up to change the song and heard something behind me. Cathy had thrown up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even feel sick" Cathy said while wiping her mouth.

"I told you not to get in yet" Morgan said rolling her eyes.

"It's okay I'm going to get some towels and shut up Morgan you're not helping the situation." I said also rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, she's right, I'll come with you" Max said standing up and jogging over to me. As we walked into the house.

Everything got blurry then went black.

"Jordan! Jordan! Wake up!" I heard as my vision came back. It was Hannah. I was in the room. I started tearing up.

"What's wrong? Bad dream?" Hannah said giving me a hug.

"No. It was the best dream ever. I was home with my friends. I had my normal life again." I said in disbelief.

"Everything felt so real. I was just about to grab some towels. Why did she have to throw up? Ughh! why did it have to end like that?" I said now with tears on my cheeks.

"Shhh, shhh it's okay. My dreams use to be just like that. They will get better and hopefully come to life again." Hannah said.

We just set on the bed in silence. I don't think I could ever get use to this place.

AUTHORS NOTE // Sooooooooo how did y'all like the chapter? I really enjoyed writing it lol. It was a different feeling. I wanted to lighten things up but not too much. Will there be more dreams like this? What will happen next? Keep reading to find out. Don't forget to vote and comment.
Word count : 1210
XOXO - Ro ❤️

 Word count : 1210XOXO - Ro ❤️

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Jordan's Bathing Suit ^^

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