The Attachments

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Chapter 20-

Jordans POV

"Dad!" I cried out.

"What's going on!?" I continued crying.

"Go ahead James, tell her everything. And I mean everything." Eddy said walking down the steps.

"Edward is my brother." He tilted his head down ashamed.

"Call me Eddy! Now continue." Eddy corrected him as he sat back amused.

"You remember 2 years ago, how I constantly started sneaking out the house?" He looked at me with tears filling his eyes.

"Yes." I said with my jaw hitting the ground.

"Your mother thought I was sneaking out to cheat on her. I was really out searching." He added.

"Searching for what?" I asked with a cracking voice.

"For your sister, Hannah." He said, tears falling from his eyes.

I turned to look at Hannah for answers. She was frozen. No tears, no movement, no anything.

"M- my- my sister?" I questioned.

"Yes, I didn't cheat on your mother or anything but she doesn't know I have another child. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you." He shook his head

"You're not my father. I don't know who you are." Hannah said angrily grinding her teeth.

"Your mother never wanted me around. We broke up when she was around 4 months pregnant with you." He said.

"So, they're my cousins!?" Elijah yelled at Eddy.

"Yes son, they're your cousins." Eddy smiled.

"So why are we all here!?" Elijah added.

"I had no family. After your mother died, I was lonely. James moved away and started his family of lies and he was all I had." Eddy said crossing his arms so childishly.

"So you mean to tell me, you brought us here to have a family and this is how you treat us!?" Hannah yelled.

"Yes." Eddy said nonchalantly.

"You freaking raped me so many times!" Hannah screamed furiously.

"Like I said, I was lonely. Keep in mind, out of all the girls I've brought here, you and Jordan were the only ones I kept alive so be grateful." Eddy said.

"Oh go to hell!" I yelled at him.

"I'll meet you there niece." He chuckled.

"Dad, why did you leave that morning?" I questioned.

"I was sent an anonymous email that threatened you. I had a feeling it was Eddy so I went looking for him. Not knowing he was going to send somebody to get you." He answered sadly.

"I shook my head and angrily turned to Eddy. He just winked and looked at my dad.

"Let them all go Eddy!" My dad said.

"You know what I want." Eddy said.

"How can I give you a family after all this torcher you out my girls and nephew through!?" He yelled angrily.

"Forget the stupid family, I want $200,000 in cash." Eddy ordered.

"I'll give you the $200,000 in cash if you let everyone go." My dad said.

"Hmmm, I'll think about it. Drop him, lets go." Eddy ordered the guards as he walked upstairs.

As soon as the door closed I turned to my dad.

"I have a plan but we need to move fast." My dad said smiling.

"I see what you guys have in common." Hannah said.

We all chuckled as my dad began explaining.

Authors Note// BRUHH!! Did y'all enjoy this chapter!? Were you guys shocked or what!? Ahhh I loved writing this. Keep reading to find out the plan. (Excuse any spelling errors)
Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE!!
Word count: 574

Xoxo - Ro❤️

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