Chapter 8 -
Eddy's POV
Ugh I can't stand a bitch that can't follow rules! She will pay for this!
"ELIJAH! ELIJAH!" I yelled down the hall.
"Yes Sir?" Elijah responded.
"Go to the basement and bring me all my supplies." I ordered as the corners of my mouth started to point upward.
"But why sir?" He Elijah asked.
"Don't you dare question me! Do you understand me!?" I screamed at him.
Yes sir I understand." He replied.
"Go now!" I shouted now watching him scurry down the steps.
Now, that was a big step she took running out. But what can I say? I practically sat her up to fail. What kidnapper leaves their door unlocked ? How slow does this girl think I am? Oh I'll teach her how slo-
"Here's your supplies Sir" Elijah said cutting my thoughts off, placing the duffle bag by my door.
"Good boy, now get! I'll see you later" I hissed at Elijah. Oh how much I love the life I chose.
As walked down the hall, passing the skanks room and the bathroom into what looks like a closet from the outside. I pull out my keys now unlocking all 4 locks on the door and entering. I tossed the duffle bag on the metal table and started unpacking. Rocks? Check. Rope? Check. Clothes pins? Check. Whip? Check. Bottle of water? Check. Now that I have all my supplies I need for Jordans punishment, I left out the room and walked into Hannah's and Jordan's room.
Jordan's POV
"Jordan! Come, now" I heard Eddy's loud voice.
I stood up off the bed and walked over to him. He gripped my arm making me squeal. He walked me down to a closet. I stood there confused until he opened it. I was in shock. It felt as if I were in a Saw movie. He closed the door and made me stand by a wall. I watched him place the rocks all over the table.
"Get over here!" He yelled. When I walked over to him, he pulled my shirt off and practically slammed me on the table. I cried and groaned as my skin made contact with the rocks. He grabbed the rope and begin tying me down to the table. It was so much pressure on my arms because of how tight he tied the rope.
"Please loosen the rope!" I yelled at him in pain.
"Who the fuck do you think your talking to!?" He screamed into my face making his spit feel like raindrops crashing down on my face.
He splashed some water on me and gripped a black leather whip. He put his hand all the way back and lashed it on my stomach. I yelled out in pain hoping he would stop but he didn't. It was repetitive. When I tried squirming around the rocks caved into my back. I didn't know what was worse. The whipping, the tight rope, or the rocks. All the pain caused me to pass out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When I woke up, I was laid out on the cold dirty floor. It was so dark. I felt around until I felt a wall so I could back up onto it. All I could do was cry. Everything hurt."I can't do this! Somebody help meeee!" I cried out hoping somebody, anybody, would come and help me out of this hell hole.
No one came. I was alone. In the dark surrounded by nothing but a metal table. I sat there for a while until I heard the door being unlocked. As light entered the room, I started to see a face. It was Elijah. I reached out for him to help me up. He threw my arm over his shoulder and started walking towards the room I sleep in at my pace. When we walked in the room, Hannah was rocking back and forth on the floor. When we made eye contact, she jumped up and tried to give me a hug but Elijah blocked it thankfully.
"Sorry Hannah, but she's in a lot of pain." Elijah said making sure I had a seat on the bed.
"I understand. It's just that she's been gone for hours and I thought that Eddy might've kil-"
"I'm fine" I cut her off not liking where the conversation was going.
"You're not fine. I mean look at you. The amount of blood on your back looks deadly. Your arms are purple. Then the slashes on your stomach like oh my god." Elijah said sounding furious.
"Can you pass me that oversized shirt over there?" I asked Hannah. "I want to shower. I feel disgusting." "Yeah sure" Hannah replied handing me the shirt.
"Can you help me get to the bathroom?" I asked Elijah. "Of course. It's my job." Elijah answered.
We walked to the bathroom with only my sounds of pain filling the hallway. Elijah turned the water on warm. As my bath water ran, I asked him to leave so I could get undressed. I grabbed a rag from a cabinet and some soap and sat in the tub. My back was burning. How could somebody do this to another person? I bet he wouldn't like it if somebody did that to him! I slapped my hand in the pinkish water in anger. After my thoughts ran through the air, I turned the shower on and washed up. After that I dried off and put on some clean clothes. I walked back to the room and saw Hannah eating some ramen.
"Yours is over there" Hannah pointed over to the edge of the bed.
"Thank goodness, I'm starving" I said immediately picking up the bowl and eating and groaning at the same time from the pain of my arms.
"So, now you know where the dents and bruises came from." Hannah blurted out.
"Yeah" I said not wanting to talk about the situation so soon.
"Day two is about over, but a lifetime to go huh?" Hannah said in a playful way.
I glared at her for making such a rude joke. How was this situation even a little bit funny?
Heyyy y'all! How'd y'all like this chapter? Poor Jordan, she didn't deserve that. Do y'all think Elijah and Jordan are lowkey getting closer? What about Hannah and Jordan? What will happen next? Keep reading to find out!
Word count : 1073
Until next time, see ya!XOXO - RO ❤️

The Unpredicted Summer || ✔️
JugendliteraturJordan has been kidnapped. She's not alone but thats how she feels. She goes through obstacles trying to find a way back home. Trapped, feeling like there's no way out, will she survive? Or will she crack under pressure? _____ "This might be my las...