The Double Murder

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Chapter 12-

Jordan's POV

[The Next Day]

"Hannah, do u smell that?" I said as I wrinkled me nose at the scent.

"What? What time is it?" Hannah said in response.

"Like I'm supposed to know that." I said rolling my eyes and climbing out of bed making Hannah come with me.

"Sniff" I said to her. "It smells like bleach.

"Maybe he's just cleaning up." Hannah said brushing it off.

"Yeah he could be cleaning. But cleaning what? After we heard blonde scream, there was no more sound except for Eddy groans and footsteps here and there." I said. I saw Hannah face expression change the second I said "cleaning what." It was as if she and I both knew what had happened which I'm pretty much sure we did.

"I already witnessed him murder girls before so what's new? Just leave the situation alone." Hannah said as if this whole situation was alright.

"What do you mean 'leave the situation alone?' Somebody got killed just feet away from us and you're okay with that!?" I shouted at her.

The door burst open revealing Eddy's bloody face.

"We need to relocate, now!" As he spoke 2 men came in and put black pillow cases over our heads. I squirmed around but the men were too strong. The smell of bleach was so powerful as we made our way through the hallway and down the steps. When we got outside, I felt a slight breeze on my skin until I was thrown into a vehicle. We drove and drove and drove. They car came and a voice appeared.

"Good evening sir, can I see your license and registration." The officer said. Me and Hannah must have had the same idea because we both started squirming around and mumbling. I heard the cop ask Eddy who was back there and why there was blood of his face but all of a sudden there was a..  "POP"

Eddy's POV

"What's back there? And why do you have blood on your face?" The officer asked.

I Panicked. I felt as if he knew too much. I shot him. I shot a cop.

"Eddy wtf!?" Elijah screamed at me.

"Be quiet and help me put the body in the trunk!" I yelled back.

I could tell my two helpers were also in shock and the two bitches because of how still they've became. I couldn't worry about that. I needed to hurry and get this cop in the trunk. Once we did, I continued driving to my destination. I turned on the radio about 20 minuets later to see if there was any news on the police officer. I heard a radio host began speaking

"It's been a week since 15 year old Jordan Simmons has been reported missing. We'll now put on her mother to say a few words. 'Please, if somebody, anybody, has seen or heard from my daughter, please contact me or the police as soon as possible. Jordan, JJ, babygirl, if you're listening, I want you to kno-"I cut off the radio as soon as I've realized what I turned on.

Jordans POV

When I heard the sound of my mother's voice I broke down. She sounded so hurt. Torn. Broken. She hasn't given up on me. Somewhere out there people were looking for me. Millions of thoughts ran through my mind. Until the sound of the car stopping snapped me out of it.

"Which room would you like us to take the to boss?" One of the strong men said.

"Take them to the back of the basement." Eddy said as the man began pulling us out of the vehicle.

As we walked, I wondered where Eddy had taken us. When we got to the basement, the men took the pillow cases off our head. The first thing I saw was Elijah. He was pacing back and forth.

"I cant do this anymore!" Elijah screamed causing me and Hannah to flinch. He turned to face us and said,

"We're getting out of here."

It's been a little while since I last updated but how did y'all like this chapter? Was it shocking? I can smell the bleach through the screen lol. How about Jordan's mom? Sad right? How do you think Hannah feels that nobody is talking about her being missing? Will they get away for good? Is Elijah really on their side? Keep reading to find out! ;) Dont Forget To Vote And leave some comments !! Until next time.. see ya!
Word count : 760
XOXO - Ro❤️

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