My House of choice.

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" Wait, wait. So you're telling me that in your American Magic school, you could use phones?" Daniel was beyond curious about my old school. I showed him my now useless phone, it was a Galaxy S5. With a golden phonecase and real diamonds. Gift from my best-guyfriend.
"Yeah, but I found out that I can't use it at hogwarts, why is that?" I asked him.
" too many magical waves or something, me dad can explain it to you once we are all settled in. So what house are you in? I'm in Griffindor." He told me.. a house? I gave him a confused look.
" I don't have a house yet. How do I get one?"
" well you have to put on the new sorting hat, the original got way too old to continue, and they made a new one. There are four houses, Slytherin, which are the sneeky people, selfish if you ask me. There is also hufflepuff, kind, good looking people, kind at heart. There is also ravenclaw , smart kids, always doing homework, getting top grades.
Then there is Griffindor. The brave, make their own choices, and never get taken for granted. Me mum was in ravenclaw. She is awesome, really amazing. Then there is my dad, he was in griffindor, he really deserves being in that house. " he explained.
" wow... I wonder which house I'll be in." I barely finished my sentence when a large man, who Daniel told me was named Hagrid, told me to follow him. I followed him onto a few boats full of 11 year olds.
The boats started moving across a lake, and I saw the school. It was.... astonishing. It was a giant castle, full of light. They led us out of the boats, and into a Giant cafeteria.
The first thing I saw was a black witch hat, sitting on a stool. And a witch was next to it. Waiting.
We all stood in front of the hat, me being the oldest one there, I was the tallest and could easily see. The witch started speaking.
" welcome all to another, wonderful year at hogwarts. As always, please stay out of Trouble, and avoid the forest at all costs. I, for those new students, i am professor McGonagall, the headmaster of hogwarts. Now, let's get the sorting started!"
One by one, the first years were called up to the stool, and given a house, but after waiting about 10 minutes, I finally got called.
"Heidi kaussum! And before anyone asks, yes, she is a new third year student. "
I slowly got up and walked to the stool. I sat down and felt the hat on my head.
"So, you're Heidi? Let's see, your not entirely selfish. No slytherin. You aren't very nice most of the time. No hufflepuff... you are, however, extremely wise. Maybe ravwnclaw?.."
No... I want Griffindor. I'm brave, I can make my choices. Let me be in Griffindor. ..
"Alright. .. you asked for it. " he said.

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