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Love can be challenging to find in the mist of society and lust and everything else that comes with the territory, is like an animal trying to look for its next prey all the senses are alert, aware of the surroundings. The sharp green of the trees, the unruly wind swaying the immense trees back and forth, the wet soil on the paws, but then the animal catches a whiff of its prey, one look and it is determined to catch the next feed, that one thing that will save it from living another day. Whatever it takes, adrenaline pumping, paws moving faster to catch it, but there are so many obstacles, the prey is moving so fast, escaping farther and farther away. To me that is what love is; it seems like it is just a whisk of wind passing by. I know it exist, I know I could feel it, but I just cannot grasp it. I was awakening from my thoughts when my coworker Alicia with a shaken voice said, “Hello earth to miss. Starr.” 

I stared at her beautiful blond hair and amazing green eyes. I just thought gosh she is so stunning I hate her. I finally recuperated from my vicious thoughts and gave her a shy smile. I was so entranced with my previous shenanigans of love and my hate for this girl standing in front of me that I didn’t see the pile of patients I had to see today. I’m currently working in a vet hospital, which is great because I’m doing my internship for veterinarian medicine. I’m in love with what I do, maybe a little too much since I have no life outside of work, at least that is what my coworkers deliberately think of me. They believe I’m a socially awkward perfectionist who does nothing but take care of her hundred cats at home. Truthfully I hate cats. I loath their bipolar behaviors, one day they love you one day they don’t; other factors like they don’t seem to be loyal at all, and tend to fit anywhere they don’t really belong. As you can see people don’t know me, and I guess I like it that way. I enjoy the fact that I’m an unknown, a question mark; a what the fuck is wrong with that girl? That is what makes me who I’m.  So I say to myself enough with this nonsense and get back to work. I walk slowly to my desk dragging my feet, smiling at the people I encounter giving the best act of my life. I finally get to my office sit in my comfy chair, look at myself in the little mirror I have on my desk, fix my messy brown curly hair into a somewhat cute hairstyle. I finally have myself together as I start Opening my door I kind of feel this urge like something is going to happen, this feeling I have never had before is it fear, I ignore it, turn the knob and walk in to the waiting room. I call my first patient “Harry… Harry Styles.”

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