chapter 2-U

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Uncanny, unwanted, unruly, memories disturbed my mind, I was in a lake; the grass was long tickling my bare feet, the wind was soft blowing my hair, the skies reflecting the time of twilight. As I walked to the dock of the lake staring at my small bare feet, looking down. I gazed at the reflections of the lake and saw that I wasn’t alone, there were two shadows reflecting in the water. It was my mother and I, she held out her soft hand out to me and I grab them, holding on tightly. I heard footsteps from behind us approaching, getting closer and closer to us, when the footsteps hit the dock my mom and I both looked back, a gentle smile came across her lips. My father was standing there with his tall frame hovering above us with two buckets on his hand. He said, “Well let’s start fishing my lovely ladies.” I looked at the bucket and saw millions of warms swirling around in the dirt, he picked one up, with his big hands and showed me how to put one in the hook. My face should have been a sight to see; my nose scrunch up in disgust, but my father showed me a valuable lesson that day, one of the few he ever got to show me, when he wasn’t drunk of his ass. He said to me with a cheeky almost devilish smile on his face, “you see young lady sometimes things are hard to do and seem repulsive and dirty, but the process has to be done, now we people have a choice, to do it or not” he continued on saying, “we always have choices, things are going to present itself to you, it does not matter how small they are, and you are going to have to make a choice, that choice will mark the rest of your life.” 

My father was right for once in his life, he was right, I was here with this guy standing in front of me, basically throwing himself at me and I had to make a choice. Either catch him with my hook or let him go easy because he seems like he is not ready for the picking. “So you are asking Mr. styles if a make home visits? I have never been asked this question before do you mind me asking what vet does such a thing here in Miami? It would be nice to talk to them and see what their experiences have been like doing this sort of job.” My reply gave me some sort of time to think about what my answer was going to be to this odd request. He smiled and was amuse by my interest in the subject, maybe thinking I was foolish enough to not catch his intensions, “well I’m from a small town in the UK as you can probably hear from my very subtle accent, there is a lot of vet hospitals that offer this service there, I recently moved here to Miami and…” stuttering he continued “and… it will be great if you, Miss. Starr would come to my flat and check on dusty.”  A cheeky smile came to his face showing his dimples, he continued trying to make his best debate to convince me, “I will pay for everything, I will even cook for you if you want. I just want him to be ok.” Now lets analyze this situation for a moment my mind is in rumbles right about this second, I usually don’t just go for my pickings--as a like to call them, this suddenly I’m not in my regular environment here. So as I always do when starting my research on my next partner or getting through challenging decisions like this one, which I have had, plenty in my lifetime. I have to look at what are the pros and cons? Pros: he’s strong, godly features, gorgeous, big hands, and again gorgeous, cons: I haven’t done my research, too sweet, has a cat. I replied while looking at him straight in his green eyes, “You had me at you cooking Mr. styles. Lets see what I can do for you, I will go to my supervisor ask for rates and any other information available on this subject. Please stay put and I will be right back” OK I shouldn’t sound so demanding with my clients, my personal live is little by little pressing its way into my professional live, which is one of my many rules, but is to late now, the desire is there, I want him to be mine and that is final, my choice is made lets see were it leads me. He replied like reading my mind “are you this authoritative with everybody? I mean don’t get me wrong Ms. Starr I don’t mind at all.” This boy is really tempting me I smiled and walked away swiftly. I didn’t want him noticing that if I had the change I will do my way with him right here and now. 

On my way to my supervisor I have done everything I can to spike myself out of this, my overanalyzing self tells me this is a mistake. The unknown, living on the edge is not my biggest attribute. I have a process of doing everything in my life even the most simple as it seems for other people like beginning a relationship with someone. I could not call what I do a relationship is more like an agreement between two people, but what I’m opening the doors to, feels like just that, a relationship, something more then just sexual. Do I want to go in that door that I have closed for so many years ago? Do I want to experience these new feelings, or do I want to stick to the sensation of pleasure, of lust the adrenaline that it brings, but why I’m thinking so much about this? Why I’m a fearing that his feelings will get hurt, because obviously I know mine wont; has the seed of fondness been planted in me towards this sweet guy that I have left behind back in my office? Just this alone should warn me that this is a red flag, when my personal feelings get on the way of what my body wants and that is sex, but I ask myself when you have been living in sole sex nothing more nothing less could it be so hard to walk the waters of the same path again? Choosing passion over matter, I think ill choose passion this time around. I have finally arrived I just stand there at the door of my supervisors’ office looking perplexed. My boss finally sees me and says, “Starr can I help you with something dear” my boss has been a motherly figure to me, she reminds me so much of my mom with her soothing voice and soft features. 

“Yes, I would like to inquire about something, a patient just asked about a job that I’m very unacquainted with”

She takes off her ray ban eyeglasses and says, “ Is everything okay you seem a little pale, please go on tell me what’s going on”

I rambled on not catching for breath as I speak,“ well my patient arrived with his cat  “dusty” and he is really concerned about him and is requesting for me to make a home visit. It is important to him that I checkup on his cat. I mean now that I say it, it does not sound so much of a far reach, but I wouldn’t know what are the prices or anything related to this sort of job.”

“We usually do those types of work when a patient pet’s has been attending at our facilities for a while, this is not customary, but if you really want to do this out of the kindness of your heart, you could.”

“ All right thank you Mrs. stone. I will do what sees fit” as I was walking towards the door she stood up and exclaimed-- 

--“Hold on, I will go with you, I want to make sure we make the right decision here!” 

We walk together side by side towards my office; I’m thinking to myself how could this get this far. I did not want this to happen; when Mrs. Stone sees me in front of him she will definitely notice my attraction towards this guy. Since I was a little girl my mom always use to tell me that I’m like an open book; I kind of wear my emotions on my sleeves and sometimes that gets me in a lot of trouble, like right now to be exact! I opened the door and my intentions were to introduce Mrs. Stone, but right when I was about to speak, his hand went to his hair sweeping it to one side shaking his head to get the hairs all in the same direction. Now why do I find everything he does so dam sexual? “Ting Ting” that will be the question of the day, my cheeks start turning read even showing over my darker completion, I can feel the hotness in my face. Mrs. stones just stares at me she knows me so well is unbelievable “ Mr. styles thank you for waiting here patiently for us, I appreciate your interest on your pet and wanting to give him the best care possible. This is Mrs. stones and she will answer all of your questions.”

Mrs. stones looked at me then stared at him and gave a small pinch in the side of my body; I let out a small giggle, saying to myself how I’m going to get her when all of this is over. She Whispered “ ohh dear you missed to tell me how handsome he is.”

She went on an addressed him “ Mr. styles, I would start by saying that this is not customary for this hospital to do these kind of request, but since you seem so Genuinely concerned about your pet and we here at this institution are all about that, we will definitely do this for you” I finally hear him speak again his accent more prominent now that I’m not only concentrating on how amazingly hot he is. He says with the brightest smile I have ever seen, “ thank you so much, even thought you can’t see how happy dusty is he is really ecstatic on the inside” wow he is really funny, I like that “ I promise I will take care of her in the time that Ms. Starr will be at my flat” Mrs. stone replied “OK I want her back without a scratch, she is one of my best here” I laugh to myself thinking, ohhh Mrs. stone you don’t know what you got this boy into, he might be the one wearing the scratches next time you see him.

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