chapter 4- t

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 The sand caressing my feet as I run from the beast chasing after me, craving me, wanting my blood on their claws, I run with no destination, my breath cutting shorter between each stride; overwhelming heat making my gold vulture crown heavier on my head, the rays of sunshine striking the jewels that adorned my neck. I attempted looking for a place to hide, but I see none, all I see is sand not a pyramid in site. I can hear the beast coming closer to me. I listen as the huffs of air are escaping their nostrils as they run quicker towards me. I have lost all hope, slumping in the sand my face on my hands so powerless without an escape from this desolation. I feel hands snatch me quickly, not knowing if this is my mind playing tricks on me, or if it is real. When I finally look up and see his face it gives me the courage to start running faster away from the beasts that are pursuing us. In the horizon a sole pyramid we see, we run as fast as our feet allow us. Getting closer and closer we hide our bodies, wanting to getaway from this. “O dear I thought I would never find you, I couldn’t have lived with myself knowing that I did not come looking for you, how could I have lived without you” he said “ fool don’t you see now that I could have poisoned you a hundred times had I been able to live without you.” 

I halted up from the couch, my eyes wide open, and alarmed by my vivid dream. It felt so intense my eyes seeing what she was. My forehead is filled with sweat almost as if I was the one running. People say that your dreams are an outlet to what you really want and desire, telling you the deepest secrets in your mind. I question what did this dream represent? I think hard, my hands trembling suffering from much lost. As I blink rapidly I could see it all clear in my head the creatures, yes, of course they are my fears trying to catch me setting me back every time I move forward. My thoughts are my enemy lying on top of my head so heavily like Cleopatra’s vulture crown, but at the end she finally found her Marco Antonio, maybe Harry could be that for me, my escape the one that pulls me away from this darkness I’m living, but I ran away from him last night.  Not even giving him a chance to speak not one word, also not giving myself an opportunity to explain who I am and my lifestyle. Who knows maybe he would have accepted to be my submissive; but my fear of letting go of the unknown bound is claws so deep in to my soul and separated me from my only chance of freedom and that was harry. This is just so fucked up, I’m fucked up, I pride myself in being this confident, independent woman, but every chance I receive of getting to know someone I run away in fear like a little girl. Now he must think I’m some sociopath that is immature and doesn’t give a shit about anybody else. That is not who I am, just because I like sex and I don’t want to have a relationship with someone does not mean I’m crazy. Maybe I should just stop telling all this things to myself and say it to him. Yes, I should do that, just go to his apartment tell him how you feel and if he doesn’t agree with the way you live, then fine move on there will be someone else who would accept me for who I am. 

I am the type of person that finds inspiration in the darkest things, I see her darkness but I also see her beauty. I stood in my bed dumfounded by what just took place; this woman confident as ever riding me like a queen. Looking so glorious, her hair flowing as her head goes back in pleasure, but also so fragile as I see her wrap her small frame in my bed sheets grab her things and ran away like a puppy dog. Is like a ying and yang, darkness and light. I want to discover her to find her deepest secrets. To trust myself in her so deep that she yells my name. After last night I want her to be my muse, infatuated by her darkness. I want to explore every bit of her but how can I do that, I have never dealt with a woman like this. Let me tell you woman are some weird creatures some are like lionesses independent, too confident for their own good and others are like little cute kittens who want to lay with you forever, but both make everything so dam complicated. Since the first time I saw Mrs. Starr I knew she was like a poison traveling its way into my veins making me do whatever she desired, unable to read her, us man are really good at that. I tried to analyze her to see what she was looking for, but I could not see it in her eyes, all I saw was lust. That lust that I’m craving to see right at this moment, but I don’t know shit about her, I don’t know where she lives, or her phone number, not even her dam name. All I could do is sit my arse on this chair and let my frustration pore through my fingers and do what I do best and paint. I grab my paintbrush and dap it in red colour letting it touch the canvas. Letting my hands do what they want, drawing the figures of her curves. The red representing fire, she was on fire in every sense of the word and me burning in flames by her touch. I Moved back admiring at what I have created, touching my face with my fingers filled with paint leaving marks behind. My body was so entranced with what I have crated so lost in the moment that I did not hear footsteps behind me. My green eyes were suddenly wide open, not sleepy looking like they did before. Who the hell is here at my flat at 7:am in the morning someone most be going mad to think this is ok, but once I gazed back all my rage escaped me, it was her standing right there in front of me, she is as lovely as the last time I saw her. How can someone be so fit at 7:00 am in the morning? I beheld her eyes wanting to get lost in the hazel colour, but I’m so bloody angry by the trick she pulled last night, so I just stood there like a total tosser not saying a word, maybe that is what she needed a time to think. As overwhelming as silence is to me I can stand it for a few minutes. I can cut the tension with a knife; when the silence was becoming excessive and it was too much for me to bare physical signs started showing. My hands shaking my teeth clenching together making my jaw stiffen I had to say something this was killing me. Nonetheless I keep calm and opted for the funny route as upset as I was I wanted to get off on the right foot with her. I flipped my moppy hair to one side to make it look tolerable and I’m so fucking nervous to talk to her so I had to touch something that wasn’t her. I finally made out the words, “oh hey there you look lovely, I’m glad you have come back I thought my sex faces scared you off.” She laughed like an angel; I don’t think I will ever get tired of hearing this. She finally spoke her voice so soft “ umm I’m sorry I came unannounced but I did not like the way things went last night.” 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2013 ⏰

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