chapter 1- L

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  Lust   must be radiating from my huge brown eyes, as I call my next patient and his pet. “Harry… Harry styles” I called out. “Yes, yes that will be me.” He walks closer and closer to me, I can finally smell his cologne, I breathe in capturing this scent, that’s alluring my senses making me alert, the blood in my veins pumping harder matching the beat of my heart, louder now; my hand sweeting a little holding my spreadsheet. I meet his gaze and give my hand out towards him to shake and say, “thank you for coming Mr. styles, and choosing us as your pets care taker.  I’m Miss. Starr and I will be taking care of your pet today.” I calm myself making sure I look cool and collective, but in the inside all I'm thinking is how this day could not get any more complicated; the most gorgeous guy in existence just walks in to my office with his big brown suede boots, jeans fitting perfectly to his tall frame, his torso adorned with perfectly placed bird tattoos, and his face seemed perfectly symmetrical almost impossible. I say to myself “I must act professional, please act professional” green eyes looking intently at me, grinning obviously noticing my distraction as we walk to my office. We finally get there; I put the cat on my exam table and start by inspecting his coat and taking his temperature. I looked up at him and he said, “He is really been sick lately not eating, or taking any fluids” I keep quite for a slight second not understanding for a moment why the hell he was telling me all of this things. I finally get myself together and manage to get a few words out “umm. OK lets see what is wrong with the poor pussy cat,” I thought to myself really did I just utter those words “pussy cat.” Come on now I’m a strong, confident woman, I shouldn’t be reacting like this, and this is so unprofessional of me, but I can’t help it; my nature is calling out, to want this guy, to taunt him until he gives in. He chuckled and said “thanks.” I continued with the examination of this cat, which was beautiful I must say. “So how long have you had him?” I asked curiously as I cheeked the cats ears. He responded with a cheeky smile, “Well I have had dusty for about two years now, he has never gotten sick before so I got worried and brought him here.” I said, “ Dusty what a cute name, well that is really responsible of you, and he is very lucky to have you.” Well, that came out too strong, I quickly rephrased catching myself before it was to late, “ I mean you know some pet owners are not as caring and just let the poor being suffer when it could be tacking care of easily.” He stared at me curiously, definitely catching on to my imprudent flirtations, “I appreciate it, I’m just lucky I found someone great to take care of him in such a short notice, I have heard great things about you.” This short comment distracted me and I looked up from my physical examination of dusty, I stare at his eyes and say, “Well a caring guy who knows how to do his research that’s hard to find. Now tell me what did you hear about me?” He chuckled his dimples showing, he seemed a little taking aback by my indiscretion, but really can you blame me. The guy is gorgeous any woman with their right mind will try to talk to him. Interrupting my thoughts he said “I went in several review sites and they all said your were lovely…” under his breath he murmured making sure I didn’t hear him but I did “…and hot.” Coughing a little I say, “ Sorry what was that, I could not make out what you said last” he repeated, “They said that you were a lovely person inside and out” I laughed astonished by his great comeback, “well Mr. styles I wont keep you any longer. It seems that dusty is a bit dehydrated, as you can see his nose is a little dry, maybe he ate something that he was not supposed to, and it has made him ill. I will prescribe you some medication to get him back and running.” As I continued smiling and petting dusty, I noticed that the cat is so well taking care off, his coat is beautiful, looks like he has been brushed truly and he smells oddly good. It shows that he really adores this cat and takes care of him like his own family, which is a great surprise. I continue to say  “please do come back for a checkup, I will make sure my assistant makes you an appointment for about 2 week or so from now, is there any other questions you will like to ask me while you are here” he seemed a little shaken, a little less confident then what he behave like before, he breathed out his chest falling heavily, I waited for him to respond with a smile on my face. The curve of his pink full lips arching up smiling back, beautiful deep dimples showing again; he asked with the most serious voice I have heard him speak, “Yes, I just have one question, do you by any change make home visits?” 

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