The call

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As the party was about to over Olivia received a call from the hospital saying that Audre had been in an accident and he'll tell her more about it when she comes to the hospital. Olivia,her soon to be husband and I rushed to the hospital, where we saw audre in such a horrible position. The doctor said she got into a fight and the person beat her pretty badly, 2 ribs are broken and an injury to the head and the worst news of all they'll have to operate on her. Olivia burst into tears, as me and her fiance trying to comfort her, but I to was in pain and distrout. I then asked the doctor if I could see her, the doctor nodded in agreement. When I walked in audre could barely see me and couldn't even find the words to talk back. I cryed and I cryed knowing she may never come back out alive I ran out the hospital, and caught a cab to my moms house. I bang and bang all the door crying still, sitting on the porch just waiting. Then I saw light shine in my eyes it was and I ran to her and told her what happened. She carried me inside and told me to bath and change into something comfatable. As I lay down on the my mom yelled to me turn up the news.

Mom: Have you heared about this?

Mariah: Yes! Actually umm a policemen told me about, when I ran into a dead body by the park.

Mom: My lord! Well there call in him now the killer within the roses.

Mariah: Well I hope they catch him soon. I think I should go to bed, besides my week vacay is off and tomorrow its work. Goodnite mom.

Mom: Nite hun!

As I lay in the bed I taught about all the bad things that happened to me this week but why to me have I haven't been a good person or I'm finally going crazy. I turn to my side where the window was facing and watch the stars form constalations In the nite sky and hear the dogs howl to the moon. As now suddenly I'm living in a nightmare and before I knew it was asleep.

The Killer Withing The RosesWhere stories live. Discover now