La Push baby

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I rode into school, pleased no one had taken my spot. Pussies. I went through all of my Ap classes, don't they ever change anything, I mean, I have done this, what, 16 times in 10 years. I head a kid Mick, or something shout over to me, "Yo! Bella!"


"La Push, La Push, La Push!!!"

"Da fuq?"

"La Push beach come with us will ya?"


He smirked, "This weekend, soo, you in?"

I sighed," I guess..."

"Boo, wait for it..... ya!"

I rolled my eyes at Micks childishness. I then asked if it was all right to ask some friends to come. I was thinking of the Cullen.

"Hey Eddie!"

"Uhhh hi Bella..."

"Wanna go to the beach this weekend?"

"Which one?"

"La Push baby!"

"Oh shit, Bells, you can't go."

"Bitch you can't tell me what to do!"

"No, honestly you have to ask Sam, we can't go. There is a pack of werewolves there, you wanna die?"

"Fine you got Sams number?"


"Well text me it numbskull!"

"What.. oh um okay."



I then received Sams number.

"Sam speaking."

"Hullo, my name is Isabella Swan, I was wondering could I have permission to go to La Push this weekend." I tried to sound respectful, but it's me we're talking about so I was probably failing.

"Why would you need permission?"

"Umm you see I am a half vampire,but don't worry! I feed off of animals."

"Come over to the border of La Push, we'll see."

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