Meeting the pack

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"Hullo, my name is Isabella Swan, I was wondering could I have permission to go to La Push this weekend." I tried to sound respectful, but it's me we're talking about so I was probably failing.

"Why would you need permission?"

"Umm you see I am a half vampire,but don't worry! I feed off of animals."

"Come over to the border of La Push, we'll see."

I rode to the border of the Olympic Clan teritory and there to greet me was about 8 people 7 of which were men, while the 8th was a bad-ass looking woman. They all stank of wet dog, but not as strong as to make me gag. "Hey, I'm Bella...."
"We know who you are." Said a man who I recognised as Sam.
Being me, I looked into all of their minds, it seemed they shared a link.

She's pretty fit for  a bloodsucker

Shut it Jared

Just sayin

Boys quiet I am going to see if she has any  powers which would affect us


"Ahem... Yes I do have powers thank you very much for noticing. " I said to Sam with sarcasm lacing my tone.

Sams  expression was of pure shock.
"Okay so what is it?"


"Yes we were informed by the Cullens  that bloo- vampires can have power."

"Honey, I'm not a vampire!"

"Umm. .."

"That rule don't apply to me! I guess I could tell you them....     
I have telekinesis, shield and I can absorb others powers."

"Well I guess....."


Shuddup Leah! !!!

"Well most agreed yes so I guess yes."

"Thanks babes! Ciao for now!"
I strutted off and blew him a kiss.....

Well I guess I have a beach party to get to tomorrow!

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