Chapter 9 - The Second Anniversary

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I wake up to bright sunlight streaming through my bedroom window and there's a moment of panic. Nathan doesn't sleep this long. I turn quickly and get out of bed but I realize that Tobias isn't here. My heart rate slows down as I realize he must have gotten Nate this morning so I can sleep.

I quietly tip toe out of the bedroom and see Tobias laying on the couch with Nate curled up on his chest, both of them fast asleep. My heart swells looking at my two boys. I love them more than I ever thought possible. It's hard to believe that two years ago today we were getting married. Nathan starts to stir which immediately wakes up Tobias.  I can't hold in the giggle because he wakes up as Four, alert and ready to take on anything. He looks down at Nate and smiles before he notices me.

"Is something funny, initiate?" he says using his scary instructor voice.

"No, sir," I say, but I can't help the laugh that comes out. He places Nate in his bassinet and comes over to me, still looking intimidating. He stares me down for a few seconds before he cracks and laughs too.

"Why didn't you wake me up this morning? I panicked when I got up and didn't see Nathan," I say as I pick up our son. It's hard to believe he's almost two months old already. He kisses Nate first before turning his attention to me.

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't have the heart to wake you up. I was awake before he was anyway, so I grabbed him as soon as I heard him move, before he could wake you."

I don't really know how to respond, so instead I just lean in for a kiss. We haven't had any alone time since Nate has come into our lives, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Tobias must realize this too because he puts his hand on my cheek, to slow down the kiss. I can feel everywhere our lips touch and I enjoy the breaths we share.

When we pull away, Tobias chuckles. "Remind me to let you sleep more often." I smack his arm, but I'm laughing too.

"Why don't you go get changed, Zeke and Shauna are coming soon," he tells me. I can't help the confused look ok my face, but he continues. "Today's a special day, I thought maybe we'd go out and celebrate."

"Hmm... A special day? And what day might that be?" I ask, fully aware of the date today.

He chuckles, knowing that I'm teasing. "Something about 'I do' or something like that. Now go get changed."

I go wash up and pick out some clothes to wear, happy that I'm fitting back into my usual size. By the time I come out Zeke and Shauna are already there.

Zeke already has Nate in his arms, he's really grown up since we told him he'll be "Uncle Zeke" to our son. He's even proposed to Shauna.

"Zeke, if you let anything happen to Nathan..." Tobias warns, unable to think up of a good enough punishment.

"Calm down Four, isn't it supposed to be the mom that's all over protective?" Zeke answers with a laugh.

"Oh I am," I answer. I then proceed to whisper in his ear exactly what will happen if he lets anything happen to my son. When I pull away his eyes look like they're going to pop out of his head and his mouth is wide open.

"Dude," he says to Tobias, "she's scarier than you are!"

We make sure everything is ready for them and we write down his schedule before we leave, but not before we hug Nate one more time.

"Guys, we have this. Honest. Go enjoy some time together," Shauna tells us. With one last look at our son we head out the door. We walk down the street towards the train tracks and jump on the first freight train that passes. Tobias knows I prefer this to waiting at a train stop, but I was grateful for them when I was too pregnant to jump.

As soon as we're on the car, he pulls me onto his lap and begins kissing me. Our hands are running all over each other and it's not long before we're pulling away to catch our breath.

"It's been way to long since we've been able to do that," he says, still breathing quickly.

"Agreed," I say, somewhat out of breath. "Where are we going anyway?"

"I thought we'd go to where it all started," he answers somewhat vaguely, though I'm assuming he's referring to Dauntless. As he tells me to get ready to jump, I realize he's taking me to the exact spot that I first met him. We land on the roof over Dauntless and we head the the ledge that overlooks the hole with the net at the bottom.

"Together?" I ask, my hand outstretched to his. He smiles at me and takes my hand and together we make the leap. We land in the net at the bottom and I can't hold in the laugh, I really love that feeling of thrill in my stomach. We both just lay there for a moment, still holding hands before Tobias turns to me.

"Tris, I just wanted to thank you for all you've given me. You've shown my what love feels like and you've given me a beautiful son. Two years ago when we got married I already knew you'd be a wonderful wife and even a wonderful mother. What I didn't know was if I had the capability to be a good husband and good dad, because I never knew what those looked like. I know I'm not perfect, but I hope I've made you happy these two years and I hope I make you proud as a father to Nathan. I love you, Tris."

I can feel the tears in my eyes as I try to form the words to answer, but all I can manage is, "I love you too." I pull him towards me so I can kiss him, pouring all my feelings for him into that kiss.

We pull away and he hops off the net. I make my way over to the side as well and he catches me, just as he did that first day. We look into each other's eyes and he grins before he speaks.

"Welcome to Dauntless."

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