Chapter 7 - Labor

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"Hmm?" I answer sleepily.

"Tobias, it's time," Tris says.

"Time for what?" I ask as I'm trying to wake up. I hear Tris giggle which makes me automatically smile.

"Tobias, it's time to go to the hospital." At the word "hospital" I'm suddenly very awake. My eyes shoot open and look over at my wife.

"Are you sure?" For the past few weeks I was anxious for this day to get here, now I wish I could slow down time a little.

"Oh yes, I'm very sure," she answers with a smile on her face. "Come on, it's time for you to be a Daddy."

I don't know whether to smile or throw up, so instead I do neither and get into action. I throw on some clothes, help Tris into hers and grab the overnight bag that's been packed for two weeks. We're about to walk out the door when she grabs my arm and hunches over with a grimace on her face.

I drop the bag and pull her into my arms. I'd ask if she's ok, but I know she'll tell me it's fine despite the pain etched on her face, so instead I just hold her and rub circles on her lower back until the contraction is over. Seeing her hurting like this breaks my heart and I know it's only going to get worse for her. It's my job to keep a brave face and be strong for her, she's the one that's going through this.

She takes a deep breath once it's over, "Sorry, Tobias, I'm ready to go now."

I kiss her temple and help get her to the car. I drive like a maniac to the hospital, desperate to have her among doctors and other people who know what they are doing. She has one more contraction on the way over so I let her squeeze my hand as hard as she needs to while I continue to drive.

We walk into the lobby and the staff kicks into gear, already acting without us telling anyone what's going on. A nurse comes over with a wheelchair and is already taking us to the Labor and Delivery floor. Once in her room, I help get her into a gown and the nurse hooks her up to a monitor that allows us to hear the baby's heartbeat and one that tracks her contractions. Just as she's all set up she has another. I hold her hand again and rest my forehead against hers, willing her to match her breaths to mine.

"Oh honey, that was a big one," the nurse says. "Let me get the doctor to come and check you."

The nurse leaves the room and Tris is trying to slow her breathing. "I'm really sorry if I'm hurting your hand. Maybe you should let me hold on to the bed or something. I don't want to break it," she says with a laugh.

"I think I can handle it, though you are pretty strong. Then again if you break my hand that means I won't be able to change diapers for a while, so there's a positive side to it."

She laughs as rests her hand on my cheek and I can't help but lean into her touch. "I love you," she tells me simply, and I smile in return.

Just then the doctor walks in to check Tris. "You're almost there sweetheart, it looks like you weathered a lot of it at home. You're very brave, most women come in a lot earlier."

My eyes shoot to hers and I can't help but feel ashamed. How long was she dealing with it by herself? I hold her gaze until the doctor walks out and the shame turns to anger.

"Tris, why didn't you wake me up? I thought we were doing this together. You just let me sleep through a big part of it?" I know I shouldn't be mad, but I'm angry with her for keeping me in the dark.

"Tobias, I'm sor-" just then another contraction comes and all my anger disappears. As I grab her hand and watch her face contort in pain it feels like my heart is breaking. I realize then why she didn't wake me, she didn't want me to see her like this. She suffered alone to save me from the pain I'm feeling now. The contraction is finally over and she tries to catch her breath.

"Tris, you might be badass like Dauntless, but you are Abnegation to your core," I say with a small smile.

Another hour passes and the contractions are definitely getting worse, I wish I could do something  but I just stand by completely helpless. The doctor comes in again twice during that hour and says she is very close. The third time she comes in she says it's time.

"Alright sweetheart, it's time to meet your baby boy. I'm going to get the nurses in here and you'll start pushing," the doctor tells Tris before she walks out.

Tris turns towards me and I can see fear in her eyes.

"Tris you have been so brave. You were brave enough for the both of us when I was too scared. You can do this."

As she looks at me and smiles, I realize I can't resist repeating the words I said years ago, the one piece of advice I know how to give.

"Be brave."

Nathan EatonWhere stories live. Discover now