Back To Hogwarts

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This story starts off on the train heading to Hogwarts. Hermione and Ginny are talking in their own compartment.

Hermione's POV.

           "So, how are you excited to be Head girl Mione?", Ginny asked. I cant wait to come back to Hogwarts. 

          "Yeah I am, but I'm little worried about who is head boy", I admitted. Its true though that I am because what if its a person I cant stand or someone who doesn't do their work at all. Hope who ever is head boy doesn't drive me crazy.

        "Don't worry Mione . Don't let who ever is head boy ruined this year for you", Ginny said reassuringly. Ginny always calm me down. 

         "So what about you & Harry?", I asked her. They are cute together. 

          "Good. I'm happy with him. Though I'm glad you getting over Ron", Ginny said. Ron cheated on me with Lavender Brown. I'm not over Ron but i don't want her to know that I'm still suffering over Ron. I know that Lavender isn't the one for Ron I just hope he sees that soon.

         "Yeah It was hard but now I'm all good", I lied through my teeth. I became pretty good at lieing about my feeling.Ron came. 

         "Hey sis, Mione how are you?", Ron asked. It pains me still to look at him but I have to put that aside for our friendship. 

        "Good, how are Lavender and you?", I asked him. I'm just curious if their still together its been like 6 months so who knows. 

      "We broke up last week. She just kept getting on my nerves.", Ron replied to my question. See I know that the relationship wasn't  going to last. 

       "I'm sorry", I replied but really I wasn't sorry. Then Luna came in and said 

             "Hey Headmistress wants to see you Mione"

        "Thanks Luna", I said to while going to the Headmistresses compartment. I wonder why she wants to see me. I walked in and saw Draco Malfoy. WHY THE HELL IS HE HERE?? 

        "Before you both freak out on each other I wanted to congratulate you to on being both head girl and head boy", Mcgonagall said to us. How the hell did he get Head Boy. This is going to be a long year for me. Mcgonagall left after that and so did I.  I went back to my compartment to see Harry and Luna joined. 

        " Draco Malfoy is Head Boy", I said mad. I can't believe of all people McGonagall could have chosen she pick him. WHY HIM? 

       "WHAT?" Harry and Ron Yelled. Then the train stopped. 

      "We'll continue this at the feast", Harry said. We all got off the train and took all of our seats at the Gryffindor. All first years were seated then McGonagall stood. 

       "Welcome everyone, I have an announcement this years Head Boy and Girl are Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger", McGonagall said. Everyone looked shocked. 

What do you think is going to happen? Comment and Vote Please!! : ) Also if you want read my other stories. 


Lydia Cora Hale Martin



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