The Beginning

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Pearls POV

I woke up with a sore back as usual I mean sleeping on a concrete floor is not the nicest thing in the world, my house was just a little apartment with one bedroom two bath a kitchen and a front room I sleep in the front room on our very tiny char that was white at one point but is no longer that color, I normally fall off in the middle of the night and end up sleeping on the floor, my 'mom' sleeps in the only bedroom and I get the one bathroom and she gets the one in her room, the kitchen is super small with a little table and a chair there was a fridge little counter space a microwave, and a sink.

 I went to the bathroom witch was a small room with a little sink a small shower and tucked in the corner a toilet, I quickly undressed and looked in the tiny mirror on the wall I had bruises and scares and cuts all over my arms, my back, my stomach, my legs, you name it, it was normal for me to be like this I always took the beatings for my little sister, a tear fell down my face thinking about how I couldn't save her.

with that I jumped into the shower the soap burning my cuts as I rinsed my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom ad put on a black long sleeved shirt to cover my wounds, only my friend Chloe knew about my life, I didn't like talking to people and I didn't need them to feel bad for me.

I finished getting dressed with black jeans, and black high top converse  Chloe let me have and a black sweater wrapped around my waste with a black bag on my shoulder, (yeah you could say I was Goth) my long thick black hair hanging down so it would cover the scares and cuts in my neck and some on my cheeks. I walked out of the small apartment making sure to leave before my 'mom' woke up, I grabbed an apple for breakfast and started walking down the road, the school was a 15 minute walk from my neighborhood, I lived on the bad side of town where you could just say illegal things happened. when I got to school I went to my locker where Chloe stood "hey babe" she said with a bright smile yes Chloe called me babe and trust people think were lesbian but the thing is, last year I told her that no guy would ever like me and she said that she felt the same way so we call each other babe "hey babe  what ya up too?" as I smiled at her "nothing what about you?"

"the same things as always" as I said that her smile went away and a flash of concern washed over her face "don't worry I woke up before her" I replied referring to my 'mom' if she wakes up before me normally I don't go to school that day or spend a few days in the hospital sometimes , Sometimes I go to school but Chloe ends up bring me to her house for the night.

I looked back at her and she looked sad "it shouldn't be like this" she said as I opened my locker "like what?" not really sure if im gonna  like this conversation  "you know what I mean, you know how  waking up before your mom determines if you ya know get beaten" hesitating a little at the end, I looked up at her in shock  "you know your not supposed to talk about that at school" I said giving her a I-cant-believe-you face her face fell "are you okay?" another look of concern crossed her face "you look as pale as a ghost" I looked at her a second before answering "im fine" I said then the bell rang "gotta go see you at lunch" I said as I walked to me first class biology yeah (note sarcasm)


Chloe's POV 

the bell rang signaling lunch, I grabbed my books and stuffed them into my bag, I got up from my seat and walked down the hall just as I was about to walk into the lunch room someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around I looked down at my wrist then back at the person who grabbed it they let go of my wrist immediately "sorry" it was Oscar, Johns best friend, John was the captain of the football team and the schools badboy  John hung out with Oscar and Matt they where the only people he actually talked to on a daily bases "I just had a question" he said shyly "umm... okay" I was supper weird out voice he never really talked to anyone but John obviously, " umm.. I over heard you and your friend say something about getting up early so your not beaten?" I froze I could feel my face turn as pale as a ghost "are you okay" oh SHIT! I need to do something if someone finds out about Pearls life she's will kill me or worse HERSELF! okay calm down " umm well we were talking about...umm.. a TV show yeah" oh shit im a shit liar, "ummm... well I was just wondering if you guys want to have lunch with us?" OMG Pearl is going to freak she hates people "NO!" he looked shocked "umm.. I mean she has terrible anxiety around knew people she doesn't know" ok so that wasn't a complete lie she gets terrible anxiety when she's in the hospital, "umm okay well see ya" was the last thing he said before he walked away.


Oscars POV

"umm okay well see ya" then I walked away. she was hiding something and im going to find out what.

"hey Oscar where have you been?" John said as I walked over to our table I sat down then scanned the room trying to see if I could find that girl and her friend, but I couldn't see her " Dude what are you looking at?" I looked back over at Matt who wad looking at me just like John "I was at my locker and two girls were a few lockers next mine and I heard the one say something about her mother beating her or something" there eyes grew wide as I said the last part "holy shit are you sure that's what you heard?" matt said with a questioning tone "yeah im sure" I scanned the room again searching for at least one of them "that's some messed up shit" john mumbled "look there over there" I said pointing across the room in the corner where the two girls sat the girl I talked to earlier had beautiful long wavy brown hair and a pale skin, she was wearing a navy blue t-shirt, blue jeans, the other girl had long straight black hair that covered most of her face but you could still tell she was very pale, the other girl had some color compared her she had a plain black long sleeved shirt, blue jeans and a black sweater, with a small black bag over her shoulder, she was the Goth girl no one really talked to, "maybe we should go say hey" I turned back around to look at matt "yeah" john chirped "okay fine" we all got up and walked over to there table as we walked up they didn't seem to notice us "sorry I didn't mean to say anything about it, it slipped" the brown haired girl said "i cant believe this, no one needed to know about my horrible mother" the black haired girl said saying mother with a disgusted tone "hey" matt finally said there heads shot up and the black haired girls face somehow got even more pale, as her head shot up her hair moved away from her face she had piercing blue eyes then I saw that she had cuts and bruises on her cheeks "oh my god" matt said with his mouth open as he looked at the cuts on her face she then pulled the hair back in front of her face "are you okay?" I asked in a worried voice "why are you here?" she said calmly as if nothing had happened "what happened to your face?" john asked "none of your business" she hissed as she got up and walked out of the cafeteria " what do you want?" the brown haired girl asked still sitting there "what's your guys names?" matt asked "why?" she asked in a questioning voice "just answer" john said " my names Chloe an that was...." she hesitated " what was your friends name?" I asked really wanting to know "umm..... that was Pearl" she said it as if someone was about to shoot her "i got to go" then she got up and walked away just as the bell rang.


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