Bad News

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Chloe's POV

I woke up to my phone alarm blasting 'well be the stars by Sabrina Carpenter' I got up ant looked at the time I had one hour to get ready for school, I went into the bathroom and took a nice shower focusing mostly on my hair I always made sure my long thick hair was washed, after my shower I put in my contacts and then went to my closet and picked out some cloths, I put on white high wasted skinny jeans with a black crop top, that only showed a sliver of my stomach since I was wearing high wasted jeans, i put my army green army-ish jacket on top with my navy blue converse on (if you couldn't already tell my favorite colors are navy blue and army green) i walked over to my desk - i had two desks in my room, one that was dedicated to my makeup, hair , an other girly things, and the other dedicated to my school work - and started to curl my hair.

by the time i was done with my hair i had beautiful dark brown lose waves that made it to my bellybutton, if my hair were straight then  it would go down to my butt. i made my way out of my room grabbing my phone, my case had my favorite quote on it    'Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you'. i went downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a waffle that my dad made before he went to work, i sat down and started to eat my waffle when i heard footsteps coming down the stairs i turned my head right when my older brother, Lucas walked into the kitchen he was wearing a white t-shirt with his blue jeans and his army boots, me and my brother wore these army things in memory of our older sister, Kate, last year Kate died in the army, my brother and i loved her and so did pearl, pearl is pretty much apart of the family my brother loves her like a sister so did Kate, when Kate died Pearl was heart broken we all know why, it reminded her of when her sister, Crystal died.

Pearl was depressed for a whole month and didn't talk much and i know she would cry herself to sleep cause she would come to school with big puffy red eyes, whenever anyone brings up Kate she wont talk for almost a week, and that's why we don't talk about Kate much. when the doorbell rang it brought me out of my thoughts "that must be Lila" Lila was Luke's girlfriend we treat her like family too "ill get it" i said getting up walking past Luke and to the door "okay" he said as i opened the door and sure enough Lila stood there in a stunning outfit as always, she was wearing a maroon crop top with the words 'Believe In Good' her favorite shirt with white skinny jeans almost identical to mine with a black sweater tied around her waist and her army boots her light brown hair was in a fishtail braid and her flawless makeup was beautiful, "hi Chloe" she said with a big smile "hey Lila, come in" i said as i moved to the side letting her in "thanks" she said as she walked in going towards the kitchen i shut the door and followed her into the kitchen were Luke was eating his waffle "hey" he turned around to look at Lila "hey there Lila" i loved seeing Luke so happy Lila and Luke have been a thing for about two years "so im lucky enough to drive two fine ladies to school?" Lila and i exchanged glances then we both turned  to Luke "Yep!" we both said at the same time popping the 'P' then we finished breakfast and went to school.

when i got to school i said goodbye to Lila and Luke then went to wait by Pearls locker.

"hey" i turned around coming face to face with none other then Matt "what do you want" i hissed i did not want to put up with this today "umm....." he trailed off "i need to tell you something" now i was interested what did he want "well? what are you waiting for?" i hissed crossing my arm over my chest he looked away and tried not to make eye contact "its about your friend....." he said trailing off again "what about her?" i asked wanting to know what he was talking about "there was a fire last night at the library and she was in it and is now in coma in the hospital" he said struggling to say the last few parts, i stood there frozen then it hit me my friend is in a Lot of trouble then the next thing i know i have my phone out dialing the number then putting the phone to my ear i didn't realize i  started crying "hello" he said over the phone "Luke you need to meet me at your car now" i said through tears "whoa Clo what's wrong?" he asked concern laced his voice "its Pearl" i said with a shaky voice  "is it her mom?" i looked up seeing that Matt was still there with wide eyes i felt like i was going to have an anxiety attack, i have anxiety attacks, not all the time but when i do there Really Really bad   "No. but she's in  the hospital and we need to go Now" i was afraid she has had a terrible life "ok ill be at your locker in 2 minutes" and with that he hung up.

sure enough 2 minutes later Luke shows up and gives me a hug i hugged him back and cried into his chest, once he lets go i look up at him he has tears in his eyes "its ok" i looked over to see Lila standing there looks like she has been crying to " lets go" Luke said as he started to walk down the hall way.  


we walked into the hospital Lila was walking to the front desk "excuse me, we are here for Pearl Cook" the woman looked up and scanned each and everyone of us "are you family?" the woman asked "yes, you could call us family" Luke said the women obviously shocked by his answer " shes in room 303" she said pointing down the hallway " but shes in a coma and is on a breathing machine so be careful" we all turned around and walked down the hallway and when we found her room we walked in she looked terrible her head was wrapped and just like the woman said  she was attached to a breathing machine, and jus then i felt like i would need a breathing machine my breathing started to get fast and i couldn't breath i fell to the ground trying to catch my breath but only able to breath ten seconds at a time i Never had anxiety attacks. i have been crying into Luke's chest for hours till finally i fell asleep.

Lila's P.O.V.

(from that morning going to Luke's house)

i walked down the street to Luke's house, i loved there family they were super nice and i loved there last name, Heart, i walked up to there door and rang the doorbell, a minute later Chloe opened the door "hi Chloe" i said with a smile "hey Lila, come in" she said as she moved to the side letting me in "thanks" i said as i walked in and headed for the kitchen "hey" luke turned around "hey there Lila" he had an adorable smile on his face, we have been together for two years i loved this little goof ball "so im lucky enough to drive two fine ladies to school?" Chloe and i exchanged glances then with big smiles on our faces we both said "yep!" at the same time pooping the 'P', with that we all finished our breakfast and went to school.

Luke and i said bye to Chloe and Luke and i went to our lockers my locker was next to Luke's so we went together, we finished getting our books when Luke's phone buzzed indicating someone was calling him, he answered "hello" then silence as whoever on the other end was talking "whoa Clo what's wrong?" ok so now i know its Chloe, his eyes widened as she said something "is it her mom?" another pause then he looked at me wide eyes "ok ill be at your locker in 2 minutes" he then hung up and grabbed my hand "its Pearl she's in the hospital" with that he pulled me towards Chloe's locker.




sorry i haven't posted in awile I've been writing this for the last like week but I've been busy with school and im not really feeling this story anymore but if you actually want to read it comment and tell me that you are still reading it, if i don't get at least one person who still wants to read it in the next week  then im not going to finish it but if you still want to read it then let me know what you want to happen next and should one of the guys try and hook up with Pearl or Chloe???

well thanks for reading ~Bye

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